Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2023


A fact that I found interesting is just generally how people have adapted throughout time. The evolution of typography due to people adapting and growing. For example, as stated in the video, with the birth of the World Wide Web, “users began to spend more and more time in front of the screen.” With this “behavioral change” Mathew had introduced us to the Verdana font which was very effective onscreen and caused promotions on digital editions. When one thinks they have created a new font that could revolutionize, another small conflict stirs that leads to other creations. It’s just fascinating that we humans keep evolving, items and many other things do too. This overall video really captured the overall essence of improvement. All thanks to the first writings created, we are here now with a huge variety of fonts. I was very aware of the growth of fonts, but knowing that many couldn’t “fulfill” other roles when it came to printing or on screen, it really goes down to trial and error. 

1 Comment

  1. Professor Beth

    You captured it. Type is always evolving; people are always learning.

    Matthew carter designing Verdana for digital use to be more readable on screen is parallel to John Baskerville designing Baskerville so it would be easier to read on paper given the technology of printing at the time.

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