Beth Tondreau | COMD1127β€”D035 | Fall 2023

1 Fact I learned From Video 2!

I learned that Typograhy has a long and distinct history that only comes to light if interested in Typograhy. This is because at first glance it seems as if Typograhy is just a label for the creation of letters sizes, thickness, and design all together, but it is so much more than that, each new letter distinction made has its own history within itself.

1 Comment

  1. Beth (Mary-Elizabeth) Tondreau

    Good that the long evolution and history of Typography are now clear. Remember to include that second β€œp” in β€œTypography.”

    Also, remember when posting, make sure your title is:

    lastname_TT_date (in the form of 083123 or 080523 etc.”

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