These discussions/actions are in the category “Type Challenge Activities” and can be found under Activities> Type Challenge Activities in the site menu.


Type Challenges are design assignments and discussions completed with time constraints during class or as specified.

Can also be assigned as homework assignments.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will reinforce the typographic principles of the course through observation and critiques  of current work examples in typographic industry.
  • Students will develop a sense of current typography trends and be able to discus them with relevant terminology

Due Date(s)

  • Due during class sessions or by  class meeting time as indicated.

Individual Activities

Type Challenge  Activity Template
Type Challenge – OpenLab SetUp

Type Challenge – Typeface Selection Studies
Type Challenge – Letterform Studies

Type Challenge – Master Page -Margins

Type Challenge – Type Pairing

Type Challenge – Grid

Type Challenge – Kerning

Type Challenge – Design Sprints

Type Challenge – Cover Type

Type Challenge – Land of Punctuation.

Type Challenge – Expressive Typography

Type Challenge – 3D Type


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