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4 Important points to help you succeed in this course

To be success in this course, people should think about 4 things that can be very helpful. These 4 things that i list is based on my experience taking this class.

  1. Great Topic

People should pick the topic that they are really interested in. because this topic is going to be your main focus during this whole semester. Make sure there is a problem that you can really see and have a passion to solve it. Otherwise, you will be lazy to do your paper.

2. Find many sources

After you get your topic, start right away to find a lot of sources as much as you can. Having many sources can give you more information even a little for your research.

3. Ask the Professor and peers

Do not ever afraid to ask questions to the professor. Based on my experience, Prof. Hawk is a very helpful professor to help you with your paper. Once i stuck with my paper, then i asked him again, he gave me many ideas that really help me for my paper. Asking questions also can give you an idea from a different sight. Ask him even a little question, he will help you.

4. Time management

Procrastinate is a big no in this class. Never wait until the last few days or even a day before the assignment is due. People should spend some time to do this project. This project need a lot of time for reading the sources, typing and editing. it definitely will give you a big different result.

How to survive HMGT 3502

A list of 4 things that a student should do to help them succeed in this course. Your focus should be on Time Management and other related strategies and tactics.

  1. In retrospect, this course is very manageable and it allows students to truly spend the semester researching and expanding on a topic that is of high interest and a passion to them. With that being said…definitely make sure that you are making a conscious decision of the topic that you choose because that will be your driving force to motivate you and the main ingredient for success.
  2. When it comes to organizing your time around the work that needs to be done for this class, do your best to put aside an appropriate amount of hours to dedicate to writing out the paper. At the beginning of the semester, it may seem like there is a lot of time (which does hold truth) it can just slip through your fingers depending on the other factors in your life such as part-time/full-time jobs and even studying as a full-time student on top of that.
  3. Take advantage of the opportunity to interact with your peers as well. It doesn’t hurt to have an extra pair of eyes look over your paper for some feedback. Professor Shapiro is open to looking over your work as well to give you more notes.
  4. To piggyback off of an earlier thought, students should definitely utilize the resource of NYC College of Technology’s library. The library staff is available to help students perform at a higher standard. You might be surprised with some of the services that the library has to offer, it is located on the 4th floor in the Atrium building on campus and you should take a visit.

The useful of the textbook

The Research Seminar is a writing intensive class. This course teaches students how to write research paper and have the ability to do the research from Internet, library, etc. I think the textbook, Rules of Thumb is useful for the course because it helps students improving their grammar, spelling, and punctuation those basics writing knowledge. The book also provide some example of how to use the proper words in your sentences to make them look nicely. Moreover, the book gives you some idea of how to start your essay or paper. In the book, there has the MLA style and APA style which can fit most format of school courses requirement. I really recommend students who take Research Seminar should have the book because it helps you a lot in writing classes. I need to use APA format to write the paper. I will use the book to check my format and make sure it is correct. I think the book can help students who want to improve their writing skill. Moreover, the price is affordable. It costs less than 10 bucks in old edition.

Do not wait until the last minute to start your paper

I advise anybody who is going to take research seminar to be on top on your paper since day one. It is very important to choose the topic that really passionate you. Talking about my personal experience, I changed my topic twice because I chose something that I did not like it until I really chose what my passion was. Also, I advise to start researching in your topic and everyday to take at least 1 hour to work in your paper. I waited until the last 6 weeks to start my paper and I was so stressed out with it because I was afraid of not doing it on time for the first draft.

Furthermore, I was able to put everything together before my first draft. That was the best choice that I made because the professor will have the time to check your paper and help you to fix any problem that you would have in the first draft, so then you can do better in the second one. Finally, you will be done and you will not have to worry about the class too much and focus in your other courses.

I hope this advise will help you to be successful in this class.

Importance of using the library to help for research for your topic

Why not go to school library to get free help with your research paper. The assistants in city-tech library will help you conduct online research for your topic. They will help find related articles, newspapers, books etc. I have been there twice, a friendly lady sit down with me and taught me how to use the school online library system, there are tons of information on the school library site, I was inspired after meeting with a librarian.  The library site can access many locked articles if you search by Google. Highly recommend to see a librarian. It is helpful and will save time on your paper.

Why I chose my topic

— This post belongs on your own blog, not here.

i chose my topic cross contamination because i felt as though it is a simple and very easy way to prevent sickness in a restaurant. It is also very simple and easy to make those mistakes. There are many factors and ways that a person can cross contaminate food without realizing it. Something as simple as not washing your hands can contaminate different products. Its a tedious habit to get into but knowing how to store produce and meat properly, how to separate produce from one another and how to thoroughly wash your hands can help you in the long run. It can teach you organization and good hygiene. So not only do the guests that eat in the restaurant benefit from cross contamination prevention, but so does the cook.

Patricia Palendeng – problems with food vendors

— This post belongs on your own blog, not here.

The reason why i chose the topic of food vendors is because food trucks are becoming such a big part of the lifestyle in New York City. Throughout Manhattan, streets are occupied by halal stands and taco trucks that are becoming just as popular as stationary restaurants. I myself often go to these food stands because they are cheap and fast and very convenient. However, I have started to wonder how clean and healthy these food stands really are. While they are cheap and fast, there must be a bad side to them as well. I’m still trying to find research on this topic since most people who order from these food trucks usually do not ask questions. I think people would rather not know and just focus on the good parts.

— This post belongs on your own blog, not here.


The reason I choose nightclub as my topic of choice because my future goals is to open my own night lounge in the future. So this would be a get opportunity to research more into the night life industry and focus on the problems instead of the positive . However it’s becoming a challenge to create a problem beside the obvious such as underage drinking, drugs, and theft. Hopefully in a couple of days I can find a problem that will keep me intrigue to write a ten page paper. However my other choice I might be interested in is event planners, robotics, cruise industry and workers (with disability) in the hospitality industry.