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putting my reasearch project together. April 07, 2016

April 07,2016

For the pass couple of weeks I have been working on my reasearch. Now that we are on April I am staring to feel the pressure on getting my reasearch paper done. It has been a bit challenging getting this project done because I did not think it was going to take as much time as it already has. So I has to make a plan I stared to work on it by parts and it has turn out pretty good the works feels a lot more lighter as well as the reasearch, uf i would have know ahead of time that that changing my topic was going to back me up so much from my due dates an reaching my plan on finishing the project I would have just have keep going working on my previous project topic. But at the same time I can not complain I am happy with my current topic  “Reducing Food Waste in Landfills through Restaurants”, and it coming along. Hopefully I will be done before spring break. And half the rest of the semester stress-free  as well having more time to edit my paper and work on small details that her heart cats while working on the paper. However I still have a long way in order for  my paper to be done and ready for that meeting.

Changing research topic to the ideal one. February 31,2016

February 31,2016

As I picked my topic two weeks ago that was titled “How to manage food waste in restaurants”, I changed my topic AGAIN. The reason I decided to do it was because I didn’t quite felt that I was enjoying doing the research, because it was a topic that most people know about so I wanted to be my topic  more complex so I decided to change the tittle of my topic “Reducing Food Waste in Landfills through Restaurants”, it a topic that people know about and comment about, but don’t do anything to better it. Another reason I choose to change my to pick was because I am becoming more aware on my daily activities and how small actions can make a difference in the future  towards global warming, maybe later on my work can be reviewed as part of a new garbage disposal revolution plan and this would also be another reason why I change my topic because I want my work to be reviewed by others and not just be forgotten since there is a lot of work and time being put in. Over all I have though about it and I believe this the perfect topic for me since it something that I believe that should be done for the good of our future generation and taking care of our planet.


Picking A Research Topic. February 18,2016

At the beginning of the semester I was really exited to start my research seminar class because I was going to get a chance to basically write about anything I wanted related to the hospitality industry. But now that I’m in the third week of the semester I have changed my topic twice making me feel in PANIC!!!! mode. My first topic I had in mind was ” How viral diseases have affected Costa Rica Tourism” but it was a broad topic for a ten page paper then my second topic was “Affordable local farm product in NYC for low income families ” but even though it was still to big of a topic for a short research project. hopefully I will have anarrow  topic by end of this week, so I can start working this paper that I want to get done with my project before April so I would not have to think about it during finals at the end of the semester.


The initial process of choosing a topic took some time but, I finally decided to choose one which was based on my personal experience. Born and raised on the Caribbean Island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, choosing a location for my wedding was very simple. However, it was difficult for me to find a caterer, especially since I was miles away.



Many caterers did not promote their businesses on social media or have a website, so I depended largely on word of mouth to find one.

word of mouth

One can imagine the challenges experienced in not only finding a caterer but communicating my needs for this special day miles away. Based on this experience I decided to do my research paper on the establishment of a competitive catering company on the island of St.Vincent and the Grenadines.



Procrastinating Paul Is Not Welcome In HMGT Research Seminar

I know it is hard to do it NOW because we are so good about coming up with pointless things we need to do. Do it NOW anyway.

I know it is hard to do it NOW because we are so good at coming up with pointless things we need to do. Do it NOW anyway.

Hi everyone, welcome to HMGT Research Seminar where every HMGT student is welcome but his/her friend Procrastinating Paul is disliked and shunned. There is absolutely no room for procrastination in this class. You need to pick your topic, make it smaller and manageable and work with it.

I would recommend you pick a topic that you care about so that you are motivated to write.  Your topic will evolve during the course of the semester and you may feel lost for a while but your outline should keep you on course and grounded. Please, if you are having problems with your outline, schedule an appointment with Professor Sharpiro in order to understand because your outline will definitely be your best friend.

procrastination #3

Pick a topic you are passionate about that will motivate you to keep writing and manage your time effectively so you will have a successful work completed.

Again, please be punctual in your projects and don’t be like that guy below or Marlie and I and procrastinate due to discouragement and a lack of a solid outline.


Kick Procrastinating Paul in the butt!

-Group Marlie Vilfort and Tiffany Park

Problems choosing my topic

Choosing the right topic can be very challenging, because everything else rests on the foundation of it, that is why it’s crucial to choose it very carefully. I decided to go with medical tourism in Medellin, Colombia. A city that has gone through a lot, going from being the most dangerous city in the world in the 80’s and early 90’s to being the most creative and innovative. I had some challenge searching for information about medical tourism in Medellin, every time I did a research to support my paper I found that countries as India, Thailand, China, Korea, between others, were the principal pioneers in medical tourism around the world. So, then I decided for focusing on Latin Americans from U.S, patients that are not going to travel that far, instead they will look for places in Latin America as Colombia to make it as their medical tourism destination. There are a lot of competence in Latin America for medical tourism, so I built a plan for Latin Americans traveling to Medellin, a plan that invites them to the most quality and majestic city in South America, just a within few files away and so much to discover.

Brian Chavarro Colombia EcoTourism

Costa Rica & Thailand are world renowned for their their sustainable eco-tourism that benefits both the land and the tourists, why can’t Colombia?

Hello class, stated above is my thesis and what i plan on writing my research paper on. an upcoming popular trend with young people traveling is ecotourism.

tourism to places having unspoiled natural resources, with minimal impact on the environment being a primary concern.”

new travelers are now more conscious of their carbon footprint on places that are not used to have such a big populations on that land. being conscious of what your presence does in a different environment. the way linens are cleaned, the solar panels on the roofs of buildings, greenery planted everywhere, minimal construction, recycled water, and many other methods to reduce the carbon footprint.

Costa Rica and Thailand are very well known for their efforts in protecting their land, environment and animals. Colombia and that and much more to offer, why cant Colombia be the leading country in Eco-Tourism?

The use of references

The key to having a successful research paper is finding many resources that talk about your topic the more references you have the more information you will have on your paper. The standard required by the course is to have 12 but in detail your references are what gives you the information for your paper. Researching properly also will help with references. Its good to go to scholarly google website as well to the online library to find resources, books as well will help. The course is intense but if you have a good topic research on it and find lots of references you will be fine. Time and dedication and your resources are your best helpers to succeed in this class and to finish your paper.

Tips for future HMGT 3502 students

The first thing you should do is think of 3 different things that really interest you within our industry.  You can also something you want to accomplish over the course of your career as a hospitality industry professional.  If you can’t talk about the topic for a few minutes, it might not be the right topic for your paper.

It’s important that your topic is something you want to research and also that there is enough information to research. Also, you have to make sure your topic is not too broad. That is one of the first lessons I learned in this class. Once you get that formula down, the paper will flow out of you.

Other tips: Your outline is key; Familiarize yourself with google docs asap; Run to the library and get as many books relating to your topic as possible.

Above everything mentioned, make time for this paper. Don’t focus on when the final paper is due. Do the work and try to do the bulk of the work before the semester gets too crazy.

All the best.

Tips to Succeed in HMGT 3502

This course can become a nightmare if not properly managed. In order to succeed in this course it is essential to strategically plan ahead. By planning ahead of time and developing good time management skills, you’ll find that all your work will be finished ahead of the scheduled deadline. Time management skills are a major attribute to attain to make your days just a little simpler. You should find a system that works for you and stick by it. Once you have established a system you should encounter greater productivity and less stress in your life.

From my personal experience i learned the hard way. I unfortunately did not use proper time management and I found myself a bit behind in the course early on. The final project, although not due until almost the end of the semester, should be something you’re constantly working on. One thing i found helpful was to take notes and jot down any ideas that might come to your mind throughout the semester. Believe it or not a set of ideas can create the foundation for several paragraphs in your paper. Another thing that could be helpful is to set aside a couple of days each week to work on your paper. Whether its’ an hour or two, it can make a difference and can save you from scrambling to finish towards the end of the semester. I also found that if you have a topic that you enjoy writing about it can make it easier on you. It is important to choose a topic you are really interested in. Remember once you establish a topic there’s no going back, so make it as entertaining as possible. And last but not least I think overall commitment to the course is essential. Establish a goal and just look past finished line!