Author Archives: Joseph Palaguachi

Tips to Succeed in HMGT 3502

This course can become a nightmare if not properly managed. In order to succeed in this course it is essential to strategically plan ahead. By planning ahead of time and developing good time management skills, you’ll find that all your work will be finished ahead of the scheduled deadline. Time management skills are a major attribute to attain to make your days just a little simpler. You should find a system that works for you and stick by it. Once you have established a system you should encounter greater productivity and less stress in your life.

From my personal experience i learned the hard way. I unfortunately did not use proper time management and I found myself a bit behind in the course early on. The final project, although not due until almost the end of the semester, should be something you’re constantly working on. One thing i found helpful was to take notes and jot down any ideas that might come to your mind throughout the semester. Believe it or not a set of ideas can create the foundation for several paragraphs in your paper. Another thing that could be helpful is to set aside a couple of days each week to work on your paper. Whether its’ an hour or two, it can make a difference and can save you from scrambling to finish towards the end of the semester. I also found that if you have a topic that you enjoy writing about it can make it easier on you. It is important to choose a topic you are really interested in. Remember once you establish a topic there’s no going back, so make it as entertaining as possible. And last but not least I think overall commitment to the course is essential. Establish a goal and just look past finished line!