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Oskana Thesis

Thesis Statement: Breaking down stereotypes can lead to a more comfortable working environment by creating a group workshop every couple months. To a certain extent it can eliminate discrimination, lack of respect and the lack of gender diversity.

Trish’s Thesis Statement

Problem: How can we make hotels more with energy and resources?

Problem: Hotels are a big fortune companies that use up a lot of energy to keep their business running. This energy is not clean or “green” for the atmosphere.

Solution: The solution to this problem is to get hotel companies to convert to a sustainable lifestyle involving energy sufficient strategies.

Thesis Statement: In most resourceful energetic sources to be widely applied in the foreseeable future. Comparing two hotels that use different source of energy to manage their everyday business function-able, while cutting costs and creating a safer environment for their guests, employees and community.

Donna Liu’s Thesis

Thesis for HMGT 3502 paper
Problem: There is not enough vegetarian options offered in Barbeque Restaurants like John Brown Smokehouse

Problem: How can we improve John Brown Smokehouse menu to propose alternative options for vegetarians?

Solution: Barbeque Restaurants In New York City like John Brown Smokehouse need to implement more veggie based dishes into their menus

Solution: John Brown Smokehouse needs to start adding more veggie based dishes into their menu, offering options for any lifestyle or diet. If not, they will lose out on certain customer base.

Thesis Statement: Barbeque Restaurants in New York City like John Brown Smokehouse needs to implement more veggie based dishes into their menu, offering alternatives to the vegetarian and vegan eater. They only offer salads and certain side dishes, however, should add more variety.
Thesis Statement: John Brown Smokehouse lacks veggie based options in their menu, only offering salads and certain side dishes for vegetarians and vegans. However, If John Brown Smokehouse implements more variety to their cuisine, they will be able to cater to all types of diets.

Carissa Simeone: Thesis

Often in hotels, the use of linen has always been a large impact on the costs that entails a guest room. To a guest, the room in which they are renting serves as a temporary home for the duration of their stay. It is obvious that the linen is a vital aspect to a hotel room, often being an issue. Several options are ideal regarding linen procedures in order to exceed the highest profits and reducing the costs of linen. A way to implement such procedures could consist of obtaining a program to conserve and reuse linen within guest rooms. New York City has implemented several programs outside the hotel industry in regards to environmental preservation. In the industry, it could be advantageous to obtain programs that grasp loyal guests attention and at the same time keeping in mind environmental conservancy. In recent times, people live sustainable lifestyles, essentially leading to eco-friendly choices.


Thesis- Preventing workplace injuries in hotel housekeeping

Thesis: Compared to any other service industry employees, hotel workers are 40% more likely to sustain serious, disabling injuries that result in time away from work. Furthermore, the specter of hazards and injuries has caused anxiety and stress which leads to decrease in employee’s work performances. In addition, workplace injuries can be costly for employers and can negatively impact the hotel revenue. So, to prevent the workplace injuries, we are going to work with Wyndham Garden Hotel located in Chinatown, NY and help them to introduce various techniques. This includes; promoting and encouraging the employees to exercise and stretch in regular basis both before and during the shift and also providing all the new hires as well as existing staff a risk avoidance training in a specific way with a language that employees can understand clearly.

Thesis Legalizing Airbnb

In New York City, certain individuals or organization do not support short-term rental companies like Airbnb because of the risk factors such as poor safety concerns, illegal hotel activities, and the fact that 30 days short-term rental is illegal.  By solving these risk factors, the New York lawmakers should implement a law where Airbnb should start charging tax. Therefore the city can start using the money to fix these problem.

HMGT 3502 Thesis – Improving The Jane Hotel

Thesis: Loyalty rewards program have been popular marketing strategies which attract, maintain, and enhance guest relationships. The loyalty rewards program is a way to gain a better understand of the needs of guest. Therefore, they will be able to earn benefits while joining the loyalty reward program. With guest being rewarded for their loyalty will help the Jane’s profit to increase.

thesis statement on tuvalu

Man-made changes to the environment and the resulting rising of ocean levels will submerge the island nation of Tuvalu. It may be too late to save their land, but there is much we can do to help them and show the world what is happening there. Using the lens of travel and travel tourism is the approach that I would recommend. My suggestion would be that since the baby booming population is considered to be the group of travelers to take trips more often during the year, then they should add Tuvalu as one of the places to visit (before it is too late). One way to promote that would be travel blogging. Using people in power to help bring about change for the Tuvaluans. Using technology in a positive way, promoting the country. It will also serve to show the world that climate change is real.

Theme Parks and Music?

Theme Parks are becoming one of the biggest businesses in the Hospitality Industry. So much so that companies are trying new techniques to bring in newer audiences. By taking the stories behind music genres and creating a spectacular Musically themed attraction to guest of all ages, you can have something that people will want to frequent for years to come.

Work, Work and more Work. April 13, 2016

A few weeks I go I stared to put together my project. I had to come up with a new strategy to work on it so I can meet my personal goal to be done with my research project before or during spring. It all depends how my personal time allows me to advance in this project. I am staring to feel nervous that I have not completed as much as I had plan, between school, work and other activities is hard at the end of the day to stay focus in moving on wit my research project, it is slow progressing but it is almost there and that is what makes me happy at the end of the day I am currently investing at least two or three hours daily and it is working hopefully if I keep up doing this for two weeks I would meet my goal that is to end my project before spring break.