The Concrete Jungle, Not So Concrete

Really New York City is given many names, one of the most popular names being “The Concrete Jungle” Well it does seems like a concrete jungle if you look at it from the outside, however if you take a look and explore it from the inside,  you will find out that nature is everywhere in New York City.

There are many parks in New York and that is the perfect place where nature can be found in the city. The enormous park that is Central Park is a jungle right in the middle of the city, where one can go to be in more direct contact with nature. But there are countless of other locations in New York City in which nature is a very prominent part of the area. Nature mixes with the urban life , makes the city a more amazing place than it already is.

a colorful cityThe High Line – Manhattan


a horse and carriageCentral Park -Manhattan


row boats on a riverCentral Park – Manhattan


a purple sunset over a city skylineGantry Park Plaza – Queens


8 thoughts on “The Concrete Jungle, Not So Concrete

    • Oh cool I didn’t know about the jet ski, so I’ll look into that. And yeah the rafting is definitely fun especially if you go in couple or with a friend or friends.

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