SOMOS el Futuro

On Friday, March 24th through Sunday, March 26th I had the incredible opportunity to attend the SOMOS el Futuro Caucus where I was provided the opportunity to attend various Conference’s, participate in the 2017 New York State Model Senate Project and also attend the evening Gala with Elected Officials.

In addition to myself, students were also invited to attend the collegiate summit which was an opportunity for them to attend/participate in the following activities discussing issues affecting higher education, career development, goal achievement, careers in corporate America and growing STEM fields!

Being provided with the fortuity to meet with Legislators and express to them the importance of funding higher education made me appreciate my institution and all that it has to offer much more.

Also, being surrounded by students whom want nothing but the same as I and more is even more inspirational. What makes things even brighter is that we all come from one University known as the City University of New York.

I encourage all who are currently enrolled in a CUNY school or and school to get involved! Join student organizations and/or free programs. These opportunities will be slim once you graduate and although other doors will open during that time, more can be opened if you expand your horizons now!  

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