Tag Archives: Essay 6

Essay #6: Essay #3 Revision

Steven Rodriguez Professor Rosen English 1101 28 October 2011 Overlapping New Yorks: Columbus Park On my walk around City Tech I walked towards the Jay Street-MetroTech train station. I made a right into a walkway next to the Marriott Hotel … Continue reading

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Essay 6 Reflection

Reflection This fall semester I took a course involving the SAFA project or in other words Students and Faculty in the Archives project. This allowed me access to materials from the Brooklyn Historical Society and their archives. Having never been … Continue reading

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Telling Brooklyn Stories Reflection

You can say it started off as I stepped into the English classroom. It was time for a new chapter in life, and many things to come ahead. I would only roam around from class to class and discover nothing … Continue reading

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Essay #6 Reflection

This semester in English we got the opportunity to express our views on various topics. Such as our opinions on what we thought about readings that we discussed in class for example, City Limits and Reading Lucy. We were challenged … Continue reading

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Essay #6-Reflecting on Maps at the Brooklyn Historical Society

Reflecting on Maps at the Brooklyn Historical Society As a class we got the opportunity to learn about Brooklyn’s history together. The day we went to the Brooklyn Historical Society was exciting and very different for me being as though … Continue reading

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Essay #6 Reflection

The Brooklyn Historical Society was a fun experience. I learned so much about Brooklyn. When I first came to City Tech I thought English class was just going to be a bunch of novels and we would have to do … Continue reading

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Revising Essay 5 for Essay 6

If you are revising Essay 5 for Essay 6, please get in touch with me. If you know someone who is, please ask that person to get in touch with me. I know that tobrycki is, but that he hasn’t … Continue reading

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