Tag Archives: Eng1101

Project#5: Reflection (not or the gallery)

As I did each part in this project along with the project#6 in ADV1100 class, it probably took two days to do. Thinking about ideas for the gallery, finding the right text to use, choose the right words that works and  brain storming on what point your coming across for the reader to understand.

Honestly I thought about the main idea to go for on the day we were assigned for this project. I didn’t have the document at that time, but I didn’t know what text to use. So, I chose to use a document from the humument page that contains the words I need that follows my main idea. By the way, the main idea was basically how people can’t always see what the other see in an artist perspective. So, we all have different ideas or meanings for what the image is displaying which can make another person think but stick with their own idea. I’m not trying to say that its a bad thing, but an interesting way we are as humans. We all are different. That’s why my title for the catalogue is named, “Differences”.

When I say that it took me two days, I mean two days to plan things out before I jumped into making my catalogue. I had to reread the text I chose over and over again and then chose the perfect words that flows well with my main idea. It wasn’t that easy, but I tried. As I finally felt happy with what I got, I got into writing the catalogue and the note with confidence.

Hope you like it!

Project#5 Draft : Gallery Catalogue Entry

Imagine standing in front of a painting or sculpture of lovers. and you’ve been staring at it for a while but not reading the note from the artist describing it for you. Suddenly you gasp an “oh” for the idea you finally get. So you think the art work is showing a quiet and peaceful moment between the two lovers and you found that to be the true meaning. But then another person comes next to you  and observes as well. He says “oh” and shares with you what he sees. He says that the lovers are experiencing their first departing moment and saying their last goodbyes. You become puzzled and stare at it again. You try to see what he’s seeing but you can’t. You share with him your thought and he looks back at the image. He doesn’t see that. Both of you would stare at it at the same time but won’t get the same idea because you two are sticking with the meaning you got from it.

My main focus in my Humument is to send a message or propose a meaning of how we as artist see things in different perspectives from just looking at something. We all have that one idea in that one thought in our heads of what the image is portraying.

In this piece the words I put together were,

“Of all the pictures, perfectly true,  meant life and soul, touched you. She probably not seen it which meant different title, some words seeming strange like yours”

To break down the sentence, ‘Of all the pictures’ represents the images/paintings/etc. that you’re looking at. Then, ‘perfectly true’ means the perfectly created in it’s own way. Next, ‘meant life and soul’ shows the description of the pictures and ‘touched you’, that it had a emotional connection those you. ‘She probably not seen it which meant different title’, as in how different the other person will see or feel as the image that is in front of them and how the person won’t know what your seeing. Finally, ‘some words seeming strange like yours’, that means your meaning will seem confusing towards that person and his/her meaning will do the same to you.

Honestly at first your going to think about the sentence and wonder what it means. Basically, just remember what I said in the beginning and then reread the sentence. Basically it’s saying that even if your looking at something, your eyes will guid you to see what is the truth of what your staring at. But other’s won’t be able to see what your seeing because they have different ideas/meanings for it. So, it would be confusing for both you and the other’s. Everybody is different in trying to reveal the true meaning. But i’m saying this in the artist point of view when they observe a picture.


Project#4 reflection

During project 4,  I didn’t really expect to do something like this for a project. I just thought we’re just gonna walk around, see things, explain it and that’s it, but actually doing the route and taking the time to  see what is around you and have a sort of connection or feeling or emotion from what you’re looking at and where you are. You want to show everyone or anybody how things are in your perspective. I thought project 4 was a good experience for me to explore somewhere different to find what interest you if the route was quiet or filled with beauty or involves happiness or etc. I like to share things I like to convince people to do something that I think would be appropriate to them  and even though I’m not that convincing a times, I try my best to really get people in the spirit of wanting to see or do something without feeling like “oh it’s raining/it’s not a good weather today”, “oh I don’t want to do this cause I’m lazy”, but getting that feeling of wanting to do something is relaxing, refreshing, and comforting.

In my opinion this project helped me mentally and physically because I can be lazy and just stay in bed or if I’m in school after my classes are done for the day,  I just sit & eat with my friends, but  don’t move around and see what’s around the area. I want to see what’s around the school. I never been around Brooklyn as much (I don’t live him Brooklyn by the way) and it would be really cool to just see what’s out there for me to see. Mentally,  I just overthink a lot and become stressful from tons of work I have to do and personal things but the walk helped my boyfriend ,whom was  with me on the route, and I. It helped clear our minds and and try to enjoy what’s to see, have fun with it. Also tried not to think it was a project, but a challenge. I had smile on my face and he had a smile on his face. It was good to see him happy, is good to feel happy and when I looked at the Brooklyn Bridge I felt like I accomplished  something and I wanted see more. I mostly focusing on the beauty of the bridge and see it in a different view and setting.  it’s just hard to explain but Sometimes I see things In artist  perspective and  it’s just amazing. I explain it more in my Pitch essay! Check it out!

Summary : “A Picture Of Language: The Fading Art Of Diagramming Sentences”

This reading by Juana Summers wanted to share the creation of “Pop Chart Lab”, which was a design firm that was taken the first line of famous novels and diagrammed those sentences, that would help with making the perfect sentence by using a diagram. She states the practice has been a controversial history, but no one doesn’t know what it is. Using the diagram makes it easier for kids to understand  to write and use correct English. From “An Education ‘Phenomenon’, Burns Florey and other experts traced the origin of diagramming sentences back to 1877 and two professors at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Burns states that it might be still good to use as a tool for some students. There’s questions of if it should be placed in English classes today, but Burns says that there are two kinds of people in this world, the ones who love diagramming and those who hat it. So, it was frustrate the students completely overall if it was used now.

ENG Project#4 Part2: The Pitch

To start off saying, this route would be mostly focused on beauty. For the people who wants to explore and find the unexpecting secrets in Brooklyn. This route displays a walkable journey in Brookyln that differs from your everyday walks for you to explore something new & love what you see. So,  what I’m about to share with you now should be suggested to everyone that have the craving to find beauty in whatever weather from wherever you start.

Imagine being on the Brooklyn Bridge and wondered what does it look like from a distance that you can see all of it. The beauty of that massive structure[Brooklyn Bridge] will blow you away from just staring at it during  the night or in the morning, when the sun sets or rises. But I would recommend viewing it when it starts getting dark. You would say that you wouldn’t be able to see it in the dark. Well, of course you can. The light that flicker on top of it’s head and as the cars lights flashing on it’s body. You’ll be able to see it. Even with the lights from the buildings on both sides of the bridge will capture your eyes. As you stare in that perspective, you will think its flat and smaller from the distance your at. And you may ask where is the perfect spot to see the bridge at such a full view. That would be on the Manhattan Bridge. Its the best spot to see everything at the perfect height and distance. It’s not far from the Brooklyn Bridge at all. So, the route I chose to get to Manhattan Bridge won’t be a hassle, but seeing something new that i’ve enjoyed, you will enjoy as well.

I chose to go on a rainy day. Thats not the right weather to do such a walk for 15-20 minutes including stopping to see many things, but I’m that type of person that would go anywhere without caring if the weather is gloomy or not. Others should be that way as well to get to their destination. Anyway, it was starting to become dark which wasn’t that bad. Mostly your going to surrounded by Asian Culture, so, your going to be in ChinaTown. You want to see the amazing historical looking asian designs that they display outside of their buildings. Also, get to smell and see a lot of different variety of food you want to try or familiar to you. There’s so many markets that sell interesting fruits, bakeries with tasting looking treats and bread, cold or warm beverages from that I know that people would say, “I’m too exhausted to do all of that walking”, “I don’t have the time”, or “I’m too hungry and lazy”, and etc of so many excuses. I understand completely to those feelings because I can be like that as well. We’re all human, but it wouldn’t kill us to just take some time to walk somewhere and be sucked into it.

When you finally follow that narrow but bright path on the Manhattan Bridge, you will see graffiti on the ground and on other buildings. Different colors of graffiti everywhere as you walk and the view of the Freedom Tower in the distance. The lights of the cities that never sleep and the ant-sized looking, busy people that you can see strolling along. All you’ll hear is the roaring trains rushing pass. Might hear the honking of the cars but not as much. Then you’ll see the Brookyln  bridge in your sites. Stop and stare at it. During the night time, you can’t really see the details of the bridge but the ontline of it with the gray sky as its background which makes it stand out more. As your staring, your going to think that it looks like it’s a  painting, not real, with the water underneath it that looks so still and flat. Then having the dark sky and smoky clouds behind it makes the bridge stand out more. The one  word you would gasp to some up what you see is, “wow”. Thats just a guess of what you might say, but I know you’ll be amazed.  Having to see something that looks unreal makes the trip worth it. I think that walking later in the day and the change of weather made the sight better than going during the day. The Brooklyn bridge amazes the people that live within the city and outside of the city. People come all over to see the bridge and want to see the uniqueness and importance it portrays. Even according to the News report on NY1 at 7/07/2013, a large group of swimmers swam under the Brooklyn Bridge and had some positive comments about the experience. One swimmers says,”You look up and you see that you’re swimming user this beautiful bridge and it feels great. It’s a view that most New Yorkers don’t get a chance to see.” This quote proves that we have to try to look at this bridge in any angle as if we had to.

Therefore just think about beauty for a second and wonder if you can find it anywhere but at a different time or weather. I would force you to take this route but to become interested into it or think about it.   Won’t it be interesting? Won’t it be fun? I think it was and I know you’ll think so too.



Summary of, “Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Egan

It’s starts off about a brief friendships as in a connection with author and a woman named Lucy Kolkin business meeting and slowly lost touch. The author was researching for a novel about a woman who worked at the Brooklyn Navy Yard during World War II. That woman was Lucy that worked as a shipfitter. The author read her letters about her work, whole life and her love Alfred Kolkin. Lucy showed how  hard-working she was and sort of a jokester to make things positive. The letters also contain the two lovers talking to each other. As Alfred was in the war and she was working , they still tired to stay in touch. But in the end, as the author reads on, she decides to leave those two alone and use the research that she needed.

Reflection & Summary of the reading, “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?”


In the reading, “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful”, from the Atlantic CityLab, tests out if people enjoy walking in a more beautiful, happy, & quieter route or a more shorter route. It states that the participants that volunteered this experiment was shown two pictures of the location of London, which was the “test city”, had to choose which was more beautiful, happy, or quiet. But the more of them that picked between the pictures, it was altogether a general agreement. Using that, they had to have judges that were familiar with London to test it out. But it was all depending on what the weather or time of day to walk on those routes (beautiful, happy, shortest, or quiet) and they simply took pictures of the route they were on instead of walking. So, that information proved that the photosharing site Flickr, owned by Yahoo!, was good alternative  for everybody.


My Preference/alternative for a route that is not the shortest would be able to see more nature or greener scenery to make feel calm and peaceful. Seeing more in the route you choose would make the trip more interesting and not a waste of time. Make time for just a stroll somewhere that can make you feel lighter or stress free. I noticed that people love to see new, beautiful, historic things around them. It’s fun to watch actually. Anyway, I’ve been enjoying walking every since I was able to stand on my two little feels. I don’t care about how far or how long it would be for me to, but if someone was with me, they would be asking me questions over and over of where we’re going, how far is it, why do we have to walk so much, we can go this way. It’s annoying. Mostly throughout my life, I walked alone to places I want to clear my mind when I’m stressed or angry. Like walking around nature is the best and long route to do. You could be walking around in circles for hours and didn’t even know it because your just focusing on the surroundings than the time. It helped me with  my struggle with depression years ago (makes me show old even though I’m 19 years old) and it can helps others as well. I think I’m rambling.

10/27 Summary for ENG1101

On October 27 in English, we basically started off doing our Midterm Exam for the rest of the class time. We had to write an essay involving the reading Professor Rosen gave us last week, “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport”. The essay was a 5 paragraph or more structure on a blue booklet. If we wanted to plan before writing, we were instructed to write behind the question sheet or in the blue booklet, not on any pieces of paper. We had two choices (A or B) on what we want to write. To note, we didn’t have the chance to keep those questions to remember them. But we had to use quotes from the reading to support and back up the essay.

Summary of the reading, “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport”

In this New York Times article by Charles McGrath, he discusses about a tall, longed haired, and usual author named, Will Self, that only walks to place to place. Mr. Self lived in London but he had to travel to New York. He didn’t take any transportation to get to the airport, but walked there. To think how he has the ability and time to so much walking in one day. In the past, Mr. Self was struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. It was affecting his career and life, so, he turned to the path of becoming clean for eight years. He rebuilt his energy by taking extreme hikes and walks and it helped him stay away from the addictions. While he was visiting New York, he came across many things in the city and seen things that even New Yorker didn’t notice or acknowledge. This man didn’t like to be sociable or happy in the past when his demons were holding him down, but eight years later, Mr. Self changed into a new and inspiring man that walks anywhere and enjoy anything he sees.

Summary of the reading, “City Limits”

To think New York wasn’t the New York that’s infront of you. That’s strange to think about as you gaze at the Freedom tower. But the tower wasn’t always there. You just believe or imagine having your own New York to make you feel at “home”.

Colton whitehead, whom wrote the reading, “City Limits”, states that as the years go by, old New York is changing rapidly without everybody knowing or being herald. So it can’t ever come back. He still sees some buildings now as they were in the past. He even says that the people who own those old buildings didn’t even know that it was neglected and abandon,so, it was gone without saying goodbye. Even if we don’t see or know the Old or new New York, whithead states that the city knows everything about us. Basically, he says you can have your own New York but it’s wrong.