Project#3: Assessment

I thought this project was really fun and exciting. Even though it took a lot of time thinking, it was worth it. As I was completing this project, I thought, “wow. I just painted and it looks pretty weird”. I didn’t enjoy painting at all honestly. The last time I’ve painted, was when I was five years old and doing it again now felt really awkward and nerve-racking. Anyway, I thought the collage parlors a real thinker because it was hard to think about what to make to be the focal point without using any body parts from my photo. But it was still fun to do. I’ve learned to just have fun with this project, not rush or think too hard about being perfect. But I thought I should did the painting better because it doesn’t look neat and rushed. Next time I’ll try to have a steady pace with my projects in the future and not think to hard.

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