HW 10/18: Research Question Proposal

My topic is Native American Reservations. I am still not sure about the question I will research but so far I have (1) How is living on a Native American reservation different from living in other parts of the U.S.? ,(2) What are the biggest problems reserves have to deal with?(3) What are interesting cultural differences Native Americans have?. I am interested in these questions because I believe I was taught vividly about this topic but all I remember is that they were moved to be isolated from settlers. I am also interested in this topic because I have seen tiktoks about Native American culture and the issues they have on the reserves so I want to learn more. In my research (if I research about problems in reserves), I expect to find that Native American Reservations lack clean water and healthcare. I expect to find that Native American Reserves lack clean water because I have seen a tiktok about a reserve in Canada not having clean water. I expect to find that Native American Reserves lack healthcare because they are very isolated so it’s not easy to access a hospital they need when one of them is badly injured or sick. In my research (if I research about the interesting cultural differences Native American have), I expect to find out more about their religious/cultural chants, the different jewelry they wear and what they represent, the significance of their cultural tattoos and how they use animal remains (bones and fur) for their cultural use. In my research (if I research about how it’s different living in a reserve than the rest of the U.S.), I expect to find that reserves are isolated, not city like, no trains, and more. I also think they access their food and clothes differently than the rest of the U.S.. I expect to find this information because like I said the whole purpose for the reserves was to be isolated and there’s not as much people in these reserves that they needed to modernize to a city like environment like New York City. I also expect to find this information because they generally have different cultural customs than the rest of the U.S.. If I find information that goes completely against what I had expected to find, I will write about it anyway. I think this will be interesting because you get information from a different perspective.

KWL HW 10/13

  1. The topic I would like to know more about is the backstory of Mexico sinking. 2. K-KNOW: I know that one of the reasons it’s sinking is because they get their water resource from below the ground. I know it also has to deal with the aztec. The sinking has caused buildings to tilt and some have broken from the sides. I know that one building has not been affected. 3. W- Want: I want to know what the aztec had to do with the sinking (more in depth information). I also want to know if there’s other factors that caused this sinking. 4.L-Learned: I learned that it’s sinking because of the result of a geological phenomenon called subsidence. Researches think parts of the city could drop by as much as 65 feet and spots just outside the city could sink 100 feet. I learned that other places are sinking as well such as Indonesia. I learned that there is no way to fix the issue. +STILL WANT TO KNOW: Some questions I still have are what did the aztec have to do with the sinking. The articles I read did not go into depth about that and that’s what I’m curious about. I also still want to know more information on why the sinking is unfixable.

HW for 9/15

Just like every elementary school day, I would get picked up by my mom, she would chat a little with other moms and we would walk home when she would casually greet the crossing guard in this 3 lane street we always crossed. When I got home, I would start doing my homework and my mom would go to the kitchen to start cooking dinner. The curtains would be half opened because enough light was provided. I could smell the aroma of my mom’s food and guess what she was cooking. The tv would be on even while I was doing my homework. But my mom always had it on the Spanish news so I wouldn’t get distracted.

But certainly one day I got distracted by it. While I was doing my homework one spring afternoon, I directed my attention to the tv when I overhead a woman crying. But she didn’t look sad. Right next her was her son smiling. I had realized she was crying of proudness. I heard the the news reporter talk about how the son was a first generation Mexican American and his parents were immigrants. They talked about how he had a full ride to a great college. I knew it had to be a big deal if it was on the news so it inspired me at the time because I knew I was Mexican. I wanted to see my parents be that proud of me. After that day, I started to question my identity and the identities of my parents.