Homework 1.2

Ā In my opinion I think reading like a writer means to take into account what the author’s purpose was for writing the text and their purpose for their literary devices. This can also include thinking about what the author is trying to show you and make you visualize through their text. In the text, ā€œHow To Read Like a Writerā€, Mike Bunn shows many ways to help the reader to read like a writer. In the text, Mike says ā€You are already an authorā€, he may mean that since our daily lives revolve around technology, we canā€™t do anything without writing it out first. This can be backed up with basic knowledge, in order to learn in a classroom you need to write down in your notebook. Another example could be if you want to make an outline of an invention, idea, or plan you need to write. Mike could also mean since we write essays in high school and college, we can already be considered as an author. These experiences can also help me in college because some assignments and reports may call for you to read like a writer. This will in turn help our writing and annotations to sound more professional and deeply grasp what the author is trying to say. While reading, I noticed some literary devices that helped shape this text into the goal image that the author had in his mind. Some aspects I noticed was how he constantly used multiple inputs that came from a variety of sources. Some sources came from his students, quotes from old poets, and even things from his past experiences. This adds more credibility to the topic that the author is trying to inform the reader about. Another thing I noticed is that Mike used questions at titles for different parts of the text, and answered these questions throughout the section in different ways. This helps sell the point to the readers and goes into depth about the topic at hand.

Homework 1.3

A narrative is a great way to tell a story to other because your putting in event and stories that has happen in your life, your trying to prove something to others. Giving this stories can boost your educational narrative. Many people will read your story different due to they experiences and common Knowledge. All stories that we have read have a common narrative and that’s through a story telling to the readers about their background and experiences in the real world. All three stories having different problems and event about their life just through conversations with others. A good place to start my own education narrative is talk about an event that has happen to me, then be more detail about it. Having a good story and great background information about that event can make the readers feel the tone of the story. One concern about writing an education narrative is if its too boring or am giving useless information that has no point to my story.

Part 2: An incident that has changed my views on education. Was when i first came to the states i didn’t understand english. My first 2 years was tuff due to the lack of language barrier around me and others that didn’t understand spanish. But in 3rd grade i had an amazing teacher that was very helpful and supportive to me. She help me a lot to learn english and to encourage myself. By my 4th year of being in the US i really learn a lot of english and because of that teacher i was able to accomplish many things in life.

Once i was comfortable speaking english i was able to make friends in school and improve a lot on my education. Because of that teacher i was grateful for her and the importance of having great people around you that is capable of helping you. Having people you can connect with or help you in life can make a significant boost to your moral and life choices.

HW : 1.2

When Mike Bunn writes ā€œYou are already an authorā€ at first I thought it meant that while Iā€™m reading I have to think like a writer, an author but he truly meant that you are an author example right now Iā€™m writing . Or when I text to my friends, When Iā€™m writing an essay these are ways that make you a writer ,writing based on your opinions and thoughts all your work thatā€™s a reason that makes us an author. I write everyday I use my phone to write when I text ,when I need to share some stories to family about certain things. When I do that Iā€™m sharing my story based on what happened or happens to me or anyone and the words I use are important itā€™s what helps them understand my feelings, my emotions, my thoughts that way they can sort of feel what Iā€™m telling them, being in my position. While reading ā€œHow to Read Like a Writerā€ itā€™s helping me to realize especially in college I shouldnā€™t just read to just read but to understand it and to know how to feel the words that Iā€™m reading to better understand it. That way when I write I just put myself in the place of an author and a reader so it can make a better sense to me and learn to be creative and open minded on the words I write and read.

What I took from Mike Bunn and his words Ā was to want to learn how to better read a story to believe the words you both write and read at the same time. In the book he says ā€œThe goal as you read like a writer is to locate what you believe are the most important writerly choicesā€¦Then you can go one step further and imagine what different choices the author might have made instead,ā€(Page 72). That stuck to me because I would never understand why you would have to care better of believe what you read if itā€™s just something you just have to do but. Itā€™s what will make you better at what you want to do like write.