One word that explains how i feel about starting my college experience isĀ definitely scary. College is an experience that when you first start it, you never know what you’re doing. It’s a huge transition from high school.Ā Whenever I study I almost always need to be in a clean/ organized space. Music is a must as well. But I never listen to music with lyrics. It tends to distract me. So I would usually listen to Lofi-Pop playlists. One of the many worries that I have about college is the deadlines that are assigned to students. They are super strict and I’m scared that if the content is difficult it would take me a little bit longer to completely finish the assignment. But not in the time that the assignment is due. But along with that is self-accountability.
This picture below is one of me and my best friend. This means a lot to me because I love to surround myself with people I love and who support me through thick and thin.