14.1 Connecting Lo and Behold (film) to your Essay 2

For Tuesday, write about a scene from Herzog’s Lo and Behold that connects to your Essay 2 topic.  Describe the scene in detail and explain thoroughly how it relates to what you’ve been researching.

11 thoughts on “14.1 Connecting Lo and Behold (film) to your Essay 2”

  1. so far i have not seen a scene from the movie that connects to my topic. However, one seen that captured my eye was the scene where they had people interviewed at a rehabilitation site for people with internet addiction. Especially the one person who was so engulfed in gaming, that their own lives would slowly deteriorate. The idea that someone could be so into the internet that their real lives take a huge hit made me think about how much i used the internet. Another interviewee talked about how gaming ruined her performance in school and started lying to her parent to keep the truth from them just goes to show how much they were hooked on it.

  2. This Clip connects to my topic of “How Social Media is a Toxic Mirror”, somewhat, this is what started the Internet and it shows how our world has revolutionized and changed because of the Internet. I imagine back then people back then were not so motivated to change their appearance just to show off to the world. Now the Internet plays a huge role on what people are supposed to look like. Most of the images of ideal body we have to look at are artificial images, which set up entirely unrealistic and somewhat impossible body standards for a large majority of models on the Internet.

  3. I think in somewhat this film connects to my topic of ” social media’s romance” . This is because from the film, it talks about how internet collects people’s information such as names, emails, and the way how they interacted online. For instance, if you interested in someone, you can just stalk his/her’s moments or pages to find out their interests or whatever, and to start a conversation with he/she. Then you will might feel if you’re suitable for them or some chance to be with her/him.

  4. I think in somewhat this film connects to my topic of ” social media’s romance” . This is because from the film, it talks about how internet collects people’s information such as names, emails, and the way how they interacted online. For instance, if you interested in someone, you can just stalk his/her’s moments or pages to find out their interests or whatever, and to start a conversation with he/she. Then you will might feel if you’re suitable for them or some chance to be with her/him.

  5. Werner Herzog’s “Lo and Behold” is a biography. It tells the story of the internet from the first message sent until now, mentioning the scientific advantages it’s pioneered (and in some cases, psychological detriments like addiction). The film connects to my cyberbullying essay topic because the internet, and especially social media, has given way for bullies to take their talents online, sometimes anonymously. One scene that caught my attention was the interview with the post-addiction gamer girl. This particular scene, in connection with my essay, shows that the internet, whether bullying or gaming is brought into question, can actually cause real psychological harm to real people when it’s abused.

  6. I believe the concept of the film itself relates to my essay but i did not find a scene in particular that does. In the movie it shows how of an impact the internet made in peoples life. In my essay i wrote on how big of an impact social media’s impact has been on death. as in my essay and Herzog film they both have share the different opinions that one my have on the subjects.

  7. i would say the internet addiction segment in the documentary can be compared to online gambling sure. both are dangerous, rely on the internet, and can ruin lives. the urge to gamble can have the same psychological tendencies as the urge to get online to do whatever.

  8. The scene of the guy with video game addiction form “Lo and Behold” had a connection to my Essay 2 topic about online dating. In this scene, a man with internet addiction is interviewed and he describes that this addiction has made him out of touch of reality. This connects with my essay because as I have researched, people become so attached to a person that they made online. People create these perceptions of people that they met online to then later be disappointed in real life when they meet them and it is not the person that thought they meet. Both of these describe how people are not living in the real world and that they are not “there”.

  9. The scene where two adults got interviewed was one that stood out to me. This is because it had to do with online gaming addiction. In the movie they were talking about how they literally just play games to use it as an escape. And also how you can tell when your addicted. For example the guy said that if u start to think what are u gonna do next in the game rather than think about what u gonna do next in life is a sign that u are addicted a lot.

  10. I actually didn’t see any scenes that connected to my topic but the scene that really interested me was the one where they were interviewing the guy standing in front of a tree. basically, the guy explained all the things that he lost while giving his all to the games. it took my mind back to when we first had our discussion on how technology affected our own selves. at the time I didn’t think it was this serious but that scene really opened my mind to a lot of different outcomes that internet addiction can have on people.

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