12.1 Notes on ONE Research Article You’ve Found and Read

For Tuesday: please print, read, and take notes on ONE article YOU’VE found while researching your Essay 2 topic.  Below, please post notes on three points in the article.  Also, please write out one quotation and include the page # where it appears.

Also, please finish reading Carrie Rentschler’s “Rape Culture and the Feminist Politics of Social Media.”  For those of you interested in reading more about the case of sexual assault in Steubenville, OH mentioned by Rentschler, you can access an article on this case here.  Just a note: this article contains somewhat graphic descriptions of sexual assault and may be disturbing to read about.  (It is optional reading.)  For those of you interested in recent feminist responses to the high-profile cases of sexual assault currently in the media (e.g., Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Knight Landesman, etc.), you can access a manifesto by a group of feminist artists called “Not Surprised” here.

14 thoughts on “12.1 Notes on ONE Research Article You’ve Found and Read”

  1. Topic: social media’s impact on romance and self esteem
    First, I googled “why do people tend to find romance online?”Then, I Selected “How Is Technology Shaping Romance” from Greater Good Magazine by Jill Suttie, posted on August 12,2015. This article mentions that people might not find the right person without real communication, because people sometimes text differently that they might never say in person as Suttie states,”There’s not a dating service on this planet that can do what the human brain can do in terms of finding the right person.” In addition, online dating provide copious opportunities dating choices based on their likes through apps like tinder, match.com and etc, because in the past SINGLE people normally have met dates mostly through their families, friends, or others. This service of online dating has increase the chance of meeting someone that you like or click with online then just having a date through your families or friends.

  2. Topic: social media’s impact on romance and self esteem
    First, I googled “why do people tend to find romance online?”Then, I Selected “How Is Technology Shaping Romance” from Greater Good Magazine by Jill Suttie, posted on August 12,2015. This article mentions that people might not find the right person without real communication, because people sometimes text differently that they might never say in person as Suttie states,”There’s not a dating service on this planet that can do what the human brain can do in terms of finding the right person.” In addition, online dating provide copious opportunities dating choices based on their likes through apps like tinder, match.com and etc, because in the past SINGLE people normally have met dates mostly through their families, friends, or others. This service of online dating has increase the chance of meeting someone that you like or click with online then just having a date through your families or friends.

  3. Article: “Do violent video games lead to criminal behavior?”
    Author:Michael Casey
    Site: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/do-violent-video-games-lead-to-criminal-behavior/

    Point 1- Violent video games does not lead to criminal behavior as there is no correlation between the two. and that the aggression comes from other “Risk factors such as antisocial behavior, depression, trouble at home, delinquency or academic problems”

    Point 2- Other psychologists such as Brad J. Bushman refute the claim that violent video games are not responsible for violent crimes.

    Point 3: Agreed that there was no direct correlation between violent video games and violent crimes.

  4. Article: CS:GO’s controversial skin gambling, explained

    – it was revealed that two high-profile YouTubers had created and then marketed a CS:GO gambling website to thei audiences on YouTube and social media without disclosing their co-ownership. Their videos showed them winning thousands of dollars worth of CS:GO skins on CSGOLotto. portraying their success as luck.

    – Secondary markets have always been around games that contain tradable items, and developers have grappled with these resellers in different ways But CS:GO’s situation is unprecedented: the near total focus of these third-party groups on turning CS:GO gun skins into tokens that can be used to play casino-like games and the fact that these outfits are unregulated and do not impose checks against the participant’s age may be in violation of US law. By not publicly intervening, Valve has allowed gambling to become an inseparable aspect of CS:GO’s culture.

    -CS:GO itself presents players with tiny slot machines: weapon cases that you can pay $2.49 to unlock while you’re within the game client

  5. Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives

    -It is argued that only by understanding the appeal of Internet gaming, it’s context and how it affects the brain can Internet gaming addiction be understood comprehensively

    -South Korea views internet gaming addiction as a health issue . 24% of children who are diagnosed are hospitalized.

    -Japan developed “fasting camps ” where individuals are held and technology is completely cut off

    “The psychological consequences include the following: sacrificing real-life relationships, other pastime activities, sleep, work, education, socializing, and relationships, obsession with gaming and a lack of real-life relationships, lack of attention, aggression and hostility, stress, dysfunctional coping, worse academic achievement, problems with verbal memory, and low well-being and high loneliness”

  6. Topic: How social media is a toxic mirror
    -Most people just use it to show off others and to earn approval for their appearance and compare themselves to others.
    -People edit pictures to make themselves look better and earn popularity. They can cover up pimples, whiten teeth and even airbrush with the swipe of a finger, curating their own image to become prettier, thinner and hotter.
    -Also how easy social media can fool you.

  7. Topic: Cyber bullying’s Impact on Students

    Article: Cyber bullying in High Schools: A Study of Students’ Behaviors and Beliefs about This New Phenomenon

    Author: Qing Li

    Point 1: Cyber bullying can occur at different age levels and in different geographical areas.

    Point 2: Damage from cyber bullying would be greater than bullying because there is no escape for the victims.

    Point 3: Research studies have indicated that cyber bullying is becoming a major issue in schools and has various negative effects.

    Quotation: “Further, many people who would not harass others face-to-face might cyber- bully peers because they believe that they could hide or it would be acceptable to engage in such behavior virtually.” (Pg. 374)

  8. I’ googled “social media’s impact on self esteem” and found an article that had the exact name of what I️ typed in on google “social media’s impact on self esteem” by
    Clarissa Silva. I’ve read that after she interviewed men and women, ranging from ages 28-73, that are active social media, she found that: 60% of people using social media reported that” it has impacted their self-esteem in a negative way”
    50% reported “social media having negative effects on their relationships”. 80% reported that “is easier to be deceived by others through their sharings on social media”

  9. I searched ‘cyberbullying’ while on Google Scholar and one particular article caught my eye. I was drawn to this publication because it wasn’t a boring definition or example—we all know by now what cyberbullying is—but rather a case study (series of case studies??) done on the matter.

    Topic: cyberbullying, online racism,online sexism; call-out culture..
    Article: “bullying: its nature and impact in secondary school pupils”
    Authors: Peter K. Smith, Jess Mahdavi, Manuel Carvalho, Sonja Fisher, Shanette Russell, Neil Tippett

    Various key points that can be found in the article:

    “Background:  Cyberbullying describes bullying using mobile phones and the internet. Most previous studies have focused on the prevalence of text message and email bullying”.

    “‘Bullying’ is usually defined as being an aggressive, intentional act or behaviour that is carried out by a group or an individual repeatedly and over time against a victim who can not easily defend him or herself (Olweus, 1993).”

    “The potential for cyberbullying has grown with the increasing penetration of networked computers and mobile phones among young people. The Mobile Life Report (2006) found that 51% of 10-year-olds and 91% of 12-year-olds in the UK have a mobile phone.”

  10. I’ve looked up the term “online dating” in Google Scholar. I got a varitey of results real fast when I came to realize that although the results I was getting were relating to online dating, most results were not about romance and social media but about the way people falsely represent themselves online. Through further scrolling one article title caught my eye. The title is called “Cyberspace romance: The psychology of online relationships.” written by Monica T Whitty and Adrian N. Carr only to realize that this website did not let me read any further but an abstract of the article. It was full of questions, but no answers so I moved on. I later then came across a new title in the results that related to my question “How is online dating not efficient for people to experience real/organic romance?” The article is named “Online Dating and Mating: The Use of the Internet to Meet Sexual Partners” written by Danielle Couch and Pranee Liamputtong. Their abstract led me to the points as followed:

    1) People find ways to justify their use of such medium to meet a potential partner

    2) Online daters may or may notmbecome more cautious of causing any risks

    3) The use of online dating (in Australia) has inscreased as so did the numbers of some STIs.

  11. Article i found was how social media is Changing the way we approach death. My topic is on trauma and loss online, basically summarizing social medias impact on it.
    Three points in the essay are
    1) online serves as a virtual community to those who are ill
    2) is it appropriate to make death public because its a private matter
    3)social media should talk about death more so that people can come to terms with life being short and live everyday like its precious.

    Quote: An aspect of social media that im not sure we’re entirely emotionally caught up to”.

  12. My topic is based on Rape Culture through social media. Three points :
    1- the definition of rape culture
    2- how is rape culture being put out through social media and its activists
    3- how feminists connect to rape culture and how they speak up

    Quote: “Recently rape-culture theory has migrated from the lonely corners of the feminist blogosphere into the mainstream”

  13. My topic is based on how technology has influenced online racism.

    Three points:
    – Downgrading people with certain name calling and actions
    – disrespecting people online and getting away with it
    -disregarding ones potential only for the mere fact that they are not the same skin tone as you.

    Quote:  Samuels discusses how a journalist named Robert Anthony stated that “The ability to share online comments via Twitter, Facebook, etc. has been vastly enhanced since President Obama’s election in 2008. What used to take a slow cut-and-paste procedure now requires just a click or two of a “share” button.”(Samuels 3)

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