2.2 Your Online Identities

Briefly summarize your different online “identities.”  Be sure to include all the different social media platforms you’ve ever used—Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc.—as well as any other games and/or forums you’ve participated in online.

Then describe in detail one particular “identity”/account you’ve used the most.  Don’t worry–you don’t have to include the name/handle of your online identity if you don’t want to.  Just describe how you use the account, what you use it for, the kinds of characters you interact with using this identity, and also how it compares to your identity/”self” in real life.

17 thoughts on “2.2 Your Online Identities”

  1. Viewing my social media account you will see the kind of person I am. On Facebook I am low key. The use Facebook is completely different from snapchat and Instagram. I use Facebook to see whats currently trending and to watch videos in which I find amusing. Facebook is like the local news channel for me in a way because once something occurs it all over Facebook being shared through millions of accounts. Instagram when it was first introduced was used to communicate through photos and videos, similar to Facebook but simplified and less of the blogging sort of. Today i see Instagram guiding more towards businesses in which are starting. I also find a perfect way to network since the mobile app is so simple to use. Last but not least is Snapchat. The reason i say least is because Snapchat took me by surprise when it was first released. People were explaining to me what the app was capable of and me being stubborn told them it sounds just like Instagram and that I won’t be downloading the app. Finally i came to my senses and downloaded the app and let me tell you that was one of the best decisons I’ve made in my life. The app completely blew my mind. The simple app literally made me fall off Instagram right into Snapchats stories. I posted all the photos i wanted on snapchat with confidence. I knew that the photo would delete off snapchats story within 24 hours so I hardly cared how I look. The filters snapchat had also made the app enjoyable to use. With snapchat you can tell who viewed your story or who took a screenshot of your convo or photo. The app in general is very straight forward but is it is highly effective. Snapchat compares to my identity in real life because I am a very lay back dude and that exactly how express myself using snapchat. I would gladly recommend snapchat

  2. I have a twitter account but I say I been using it all so much. I choose to use twitter mostly to follow my favorite artist and some YouTubers. Well, I also use this site to post my artwork in hope that my artwork will get more and more known to the world but I can’t say I’m making that much progress. I also can conclude my league account but I just play the game so I don’t have a really good response to this question. On my twitter account, a lot of the artist I follow to set up stream where they will start to draw for viewers to see.

  3. When i play video games with my friends, I play to win and i don’t tolerate fooling around. When I play NBA 2K17, I am very competitive and I play not for stats but for the W at the end of the game. Every time i am open for a shot I would say it over and over until i got the ball but by that time I would lose my window of opportunity and have to create a shot for someone else which irritates me a lot. However, in real life I am very relax about a lot of things, I wouldn’t take things as seriously as I would playing video games. If I forgot to do something or if someone didn’t do something I asked them to do at that moment, I wouldn’t sweat it at all.

  4. My online identities are very different from my real life identities. I have a Facebook, snapchat, and Instagram account and I mainly use them to just post pictures of myself, check on all my friends and keep myself posted. My favorite social media account so far is snap chat because it allows me to just show my confidence on a whole different level. In real life, I would have to say that I am not as close rodent as I show on snapchat. On snap I can edit, delete, and pick the things that I wanna show off to my viewers but in life I am always debating on whether or not the people around me see what I want them to see. One thing that many people do not know, I mean the people on social media accounts, is that my real name is Katrine. On my accounts I have taken the name Katrine, dumped it out, and replaced it with Kathy. Why? I just feel like it’s really catchy and I just love it.
    Lastly, an identity that I have on social media would be that apart from posting pics and liking them, I am a very quiet user that just scrolls. In the real world, I like to laugh a lot, like to crack jokes and be goofy. My social media viewers don’t see much of that on any of my accounts unless I know them personally or outside of the social media world.

  5. I’ve used almost every type of social media in my lifetime. From Facebook to Snapchat and everything in between. And if you look at everyone of my accounts, each one will show you the type of person I am. But Snapchat probably describes me the best. I use it to show my everyday life and to see what others do in their lives. I interact with friends and share stories with my family. It’s almost like my online journal. The only bother is my “journal entries” always delete after 24 hours.

  6. I mainly only use three type of social media. I barely post things on Facebook and Instagram. I usually like posting and watching people stories on Snapchat. I feel like Snapchat can show other people a part of your life and how you live. With Snapchat you don’t have another identity because people is watching the real you in a sense. If I had to chose between Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat I would definitely chose Snapchat.

  7. I mostly use Facebook all the time. I use it to communicate with my friends and family especially from my country. Social media makes it easier for me to connect with different types of people from different countries. However I don’t really post pictures on Facebook may be once in a year because I don’t think it is necessary to share everything that I do. Sometime I use it to spend time when I am bored. There are many social sites such as Instagram, snapchat and twitter but i really don’t use them a lot as much as I use Facebook. likewise, when I am on Facebook I am tired of answering one question that they ask “what time is it?” My friends from my country’s ask me this question because U.S time and B.D time is always different.

  8. I don’t use it as much but I do own a Facebook account, to communicate with my family members who are out of state. I use Instagram as well mostly to stay connected friends and/or see others feed , and how creative some users are with their blog. I am currently off Instagram but I would use it to upload pictures of vacations or special events happening in my life, the funny memes and videos, and for the most part I would use it to find new sites for shopping. Artists who inspire me I would follow them on Instagram as well. But then there’s Snapchat, I use this social media the most as a quick way to communicate with friends, instead of texts we send each other video messages or pictures that include a message. I see different people from other parts of the world’s stories on snap. I could see the places they were at, like events, nice restaurants, holidays they were celebrating etc. But for the most part I use snap as a local entertainment news app that keeps me updated like with latest trends, that’s why I subscribe to Buzzfeed, The New York Times, EW, E! News, etc.

  9. I’ll briefly, summarize my different online “identities.” On facebook ill probably be identified as a low-key comedian because of the statuses I post, things I share, and comments I make. I don’t even do it on purpose I literally state my opinions and observations, which seems to make people react with laughs, and comment things like “I’m dead” or”LMFAO” even though its hard to tell if they’re actually laughing cause I post “lmfao’ s with the straightest face all the time.
    On Snapchat, I only post snaps when I’m actually doing something fun, or memorable cause I want to stand out from the handful of people that lip sync to songs that we all know already, and act like their face will somehow make the song better. I’d also post random funny moments. Maybe a video of my friends and I, roasting each other. On the snap, id says im probably “identified” as the guy that does fun shit.
    Even though I don’t do much now cause of work and school, I would say snap chat and Facebook would what kind of person I am.

  10. Facebook: I freely express my opinions on controversial issues, repost note-worthy/significant posts, and shitpost/rant when I need to let off some steam. Since Facebook has always been my least popular social media, I don’t really post a lot of pictures (especially face pictures) on there. Basically, I’m your average, socially awkward introvert who would rather spend his day playing PS4 than being outside on a hot sunny day.

    Snapchat: On here, I don’t have any streaks with anyone because no one is willing to put in the effort, but I don’t mind. Just like Facebook, I screenshot articles/news, post my opinions on them, and usually post captions along the Spotify song I would be listening to.

    Instagram: This is my “most” popular social media platform where I share my work. Despite having 1.7k followers, I can still barely get 100 likes without spamming my caption with over 20 hashtags, but that’s besides the point. I love using Instagram because it is easily accessible to many people, and allows me to share my work with my audience much easier. Most of my photographs originated with a grunge, raw style but have started to show more dynamic, neon settings that set different emotions, or tones.

    Tumblr: Oh how I miss the “long-lived” two or so years I spent with you. Rest in peace.

  11. I am myself online there is absolutely no difference between who I am online and in real life personality wise except online I post memes and support my friends by liking their pictures. Just as I am in real life when in a comfortable social situation I have conversations make jokes and sometimes just don’t interact with people. My online behavior is an almost perfect reflection of who I am personality wise however activity wise I am completely different. In real life I wouldn’t show my friends everything I deem to be funny or epic as I do online. I wouldn’t constantly show support for peoples pictures or appearences or actions as I do online. I wouldn’t read article as I do when I’m on social media. The lack of social preasure regardless of how good or bad the preasure is and the lack of effort that needs to be taken to engage in activities really makes online platforms like social media a great place.

  12. I’m quite of an ironic social media user, I’m only on Instagram and I share, look at and follow things that I don’t do on an everyday basis. My Zodiac sign is Gemini and that comes true to social media, I always find my self wanted to belittle someone for staying on there phones but I find myself scrolling up and down people time lines. I’m unaware of the world yet I’m on one of the busiest sites of all time. I extract what’s beneficial to me. A fight, or a chefs new knife even a friends birthday.

  13. Who am online? Well that all depends on my mood. When i was a frequent online user i developed a personality as “iggnant lo”, which i found to be the inner me. Lola was the nickname and ignorant was the anger i held onto from real life experiences. I said what i want, felt and responded without empathy on how the others would feel. I saw that people responded more to me being blunt rather than being nice and sweet. I would ignore those via text when i wasnt up to speaking with anyone and let them believe i was just too busy.

  14. The social media platforms I mostly use are Instagram and Snapchat. On Instagram I have two accounts, my “finsta” and my actual public Instagram account. A finsta is a private Instagram account that you use to post anything random there regarding your opinions, funny posts and/or rants. I mainly use my finsta account on Instagram. I use this a lot because it is my only platform where I can freely express myself without feeling judged. I only really do have 13 followers there which are the people I can trust and consider close. In there I feel like I do express my true identity because I let out whatever I am thinking about. My friends following me there tend to comment on anything that I post whether they have something funny to say about what I just posted or to respond with a “LMFAOOOOO” on my funny rants or pictures. I also post memes there that I have previously found. I really do have fun posting whatever I want, it’s really different from my public Instagram account (which I am inactive with) because in there I feel so much pressure to post the right pictures on my account/feed in order to make it look nice. I oddly don’t have a theme, but I do want my feed to look aesthetically pleasing by it’s pop of color. Snapchat on the other hand is sort of in between, I do express myself, but not to the fullest. I post a snap once in a while that can idea be about the song that I’m currently listening to, pictures from my camera roll, or a picture of where I am currently at (ex: the location I am at when I’m out with my friends).

  15. My most used social media platforms are Instagram and Snapchat.
    On Instagram I like to do photography, most of my pictures are of me and my girlfriend. This is my personal account which i have 20k+ followers and i also have a business account that is only for pictures i take for my photography, on that account i only have around 1.8k followers. On Snapchat i mostly use it for streaks and only take pictures on special occasions for example when im trying something new or when im at a party or something.

  16. Im the kind of person online who doesn’t really post updates of himself on social I instead share posts from other platforms like entertainment, current events, or even post from local people who I feel speaks truth. The only time i ever really post anything of myself is on snapchat because it help me stay connected with personal friends and allow me to keep tabs on anything current that they might do. So my online identity is really kind of nonexistent because i’m a private person even on social media and don’t really share anything about myself unless I consider you a friend.

  17. this post implies we act differently on the internet compared to our real life persona. which is true for large percentage of people, but not in my case. i use Facebook primarily as a searchable database, if there is someone im interested in, ill look up their name for some easily accessible information about them. I dont have a twitter or Snapchat, i waft through Instagram occasionally. I simply dont use social media to socialize.

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