During the film screening today, I want you to *make* a lot of notes. In specific, I want you to:
A. write down words you don’t recognize (to be worked on in your Word Play Glossary)
B. write down the key narrative elements of the film: who are the main characters? Where and when does the film take place—that is, what clues indicate the film’s setting? what’s the central action/conflict/transformation that takes place?
C. describe in detail one scene that you like, and explain why you like it. Some questions to consider:
—-when in the film does the scene take place (beginning, middle, or end) and what is going on immediately before this scene happens (context)?
—-how is the scene shot (from what points of view)? what is the lighting like? what does the set/background look like? what do the characters look like?
—-what action goes down in this scene? what, if anything, gets said?
By Thursday, post your responses to B and/or C in a reply to this post.