Crissy Spivey | MTEC 3140 | Fall 2020

Assignment due 9/10 – midnight

We’ll pick up podcast review next week. Homework for this week, due Thursday, midnight:

Please both email me your answer and post this journal question on Open Lab. How does diversity impact the work (products) that you create/produce?

In addition, in our #coolthings channel on slack, please post one news item that you find interesting from the past two weeks that we will review in class.  A link and short summary.

Here are links as suggestions to pull news/trends from: http://wired.comhttp://theverge/comhttp://thenextweb.com

You can find a tech news item elsewhere, however, these are suggestions.

Due Date(s)

  • 9/10 midnight

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  1. Hiuling Yen

    How does diversity impact the work (products) that you create/produce?
    Product cost is also related to variety and processing batch. They directly affect the type and length of time for various preparations of the processing system, or the difficulty of operation when changing from one product or product variant to another. In the mass-production mode, due to the single variety and high processing system adjustment costs, the large processing batches will allocate the related costs to the largest number of products. In customized production, the focus is only to meet the diverse needs of customers. As a result, the processing batches are often small, so the production cost is high. In mass customization production, both the diversified product requirements and the processing batches are taken into consideration, so the production cost is lower.

  2. Hiuling Yen

    How does diversity impact the work (products) that you create/produce?
    Product cost is also related to variety and processing batch. They directly affect the type and length of time for various preparations of the processing system, or the difficulty of operation when changing from one product or product variant to another. In the mass-production mode, due to the single variety and high processing system adjustment costs, the large processing batches will allocate the related costs to the largest number of products. In customized production, the focus is only to meet the diverse needs of customers. As a result, the processing batches are often small, so the production cost is high. In mass customization production, both the diversified product requirements and the processing batches are taken into consideration, so the production cost is lower.

  3. Nathan

    How does diversity impact the work (products) that you create/produce?

    I find that the issue, for me, is that when working on a goal or idea I tend to think very generally and approach ideas as they might be accepted by someone like myself. As an example, a few years ago, one project I worked on with my peers was a web based rpg turned drinking game (drink responsibly folks). The game itself revolved around picking classes and strategizing in a turn-based format where health points (HP) being reduced led to the player taking a drink. Although there are no explicit rules that the drinks must be alcohol, this could definitely deter certain individuals or religious groups that abstain or do not partake in drinking alcohol. If I were to make a shift to be more inclusive, I think it would make a great impact on a project like “Drinking and Dragons”. I may even scrap the entire project and remove the drinking aspect altogether. The prompt provided definitely makes me think about the word “representation” and how it relates to the industry.

  4. Brian Livingston

    Brian Livingston
    MTEC 3140

    How does diversity impact the work (products) that you create/produce?

    Honestly, I use to only worry about who would look at it, who I could show it to and I didnt put much thought into how I developed it. I know now how important it is to involve a team from different walks of life because it helps to naturally cover bases. The moost wye opening comment during our class was in regards to self driving vehicles. I never imagined that I would be hurt or injured by an automaton because my face was dark and I wasnt recognized. Its horrible to think about and we have to do better. I will do my best to be inclusive and diverse when building, testing, critiquing and delivering products from now on.

  5. Arash Izadi

    Diversity makes any company smarter. It makes a positive aura in the business culture and it will plant seeds for future generations to invest in a specific company based on the human connection. Diversity also helps people brings different narrative, solution, and point of view to the company, it will bring new things into the table and it prevents any unwanted discrimination against a specific community, so each customer with the different background can not be left out from the companies audience and can help to make a direct connection with the brand. Each person in the company can represent each community, so it is crucial to not forget any community. Besides the financial aspect, it will also help the community to be smarter, it will motivate poor people to grow and it will educate rich people, it will inspire people with no hope and those with insufficient education, and it will give chance to underrepresented people to shine. It will destroy racism, sexism, and any cacophonous behaviors. Indeed, it is a win-win situation for everyone.

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