ambiguous figure/ground relationship

The Conclusion of my day in Brooklyn came to the end after finding my last finding. I decided to leave my artistic vision on a wall, but not just any wall.. This wall has a different layers/patterns of the concrete on the wall.  As seen before I wouldn’t have a choice not to identify this as ambiguous, these glorious term faces the fact of which several layers of concrete entitled within this picture. However to move beyond that factor, I would like to say that this image is truly organic due to the split curves and different shapes that’s contracted around it.
The back history of this image comes from a angry guilty building developer. During the prime years of making the buildings, Tom was the best and biggest in his firm. However one day he was given the hardest choice on constructing a building. Tom’s boss forced Tom to make a building over the ducks pond and a few animal habitats . However Tom didn’t like the thought of  putting  a energy plant taking the space of thousands of animals. However when finishing the building Tom made a big hole onto the wall, because due to fdr rules if a building isn’t formerly we would have to demolish it.