Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Little message from Stan again

For anyone that still uses this site, hi again. I’m probably not going to appear often in the coming months, but Happy New year to you all. Just remember that if you want to visit me again, you can find me on Facebook right here. If you are liking part of my drawings, the one above is similar to my previous profile picture, but I made them cosplay two characters from a game called Kingdom Hearts. Eventually, I will make an art website very soon to make it easier, but have a good day to you all.

Phase 4 Masterpost

Project 1: Urban Artifacts

Project 3: Value-Added Portraits

Project 4: Saturation Studies

Project 5: Color Interaction Pairings

Project 6: Color Harmony

Project 2: Sound Visualizations is incomplete.

Thanks for the great semester, Professor Jenna. You taught us so much and I had a lot of fun with these projects. Also, a shoutout to all the wonderful, talented people I met in this class; we all did an awesome job and learned so much and had a blast along the way!! Happy holidays and a happy New Year !!

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 3

I really liked the chance we had to digitalize our images. I tried to stay as true as I could to the original details and layout of the image but I looked for certain areas were I could blur the lines between the specific squares so I could create and even better flow and unity. I believed that the eye would automatically complete the lines mentally if I correctly lined up the different spaces.

Time spent: 1 hour

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 2

I chose to have the eyebrow as the focus of the piece because it had a very high light when compared to the rest of the image that is full of dark tones and black. I tried to unify the image by the texture of my hair that you see in multiple areas around the piece. The piece has a broad range because of the small high light/white moments, but the image is very low key because it is mostly composed of dark tones and black.

Time spent: 1 hour 30 mins

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