

We have read and thought about Malcolm X’s “Learning to Read,” JosĂ© Olivarez’s “Maybe I Could Save Myself By Writing,” Anita Jang’s “The Memory of My Grandmother,” and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave.” In these pieces, the writers discuss educational journeys — the way experiences can shape our understanding of the world around us and affect our educational and career choices. The pieces also explore what it means to be “educated” — in fact, Plato likens leaving the cave to the painful experience of true education, while being trapped in the cave and being force-fed the shadows on the wall is something of a false education.

For this assignment you will use these writers as models and write an education narrative of your own. Choose one of the following options:

  1. A moment, person, and/or experience that led you to choose your major and shaped your interest in your chosen field. If you choose this option, you might think about Anita Jang’s piece as a model.
  2. An experience, or inter-related series of experiences, that has shaped how you approach and/or feel about your education. Here both Olivarez and Malcom X might help you think about your piece.
  3. An experience that transformed how you felt or thought about something important to you. All four texts can serve as inspiration if you choose this option.
  4. Write a narrative in which you show what to you is a true education. If you choose this option, you might think about how your ideas relate to Plato’s allegory illustrating what it means to be educated.

In developing your narrative, and regardless of which focus you choose, you should reflect on your experience and the significance of your story. As you write, keep in mind Mike Bunn’s “How to Read Like a Writer”and think about your purpose and audience as these will help you make decisions about content, style, and tone.

You will be graded on:

  • Your ability to develop an overall point/significance for your narrative.
  • Concrete, significant details (are you painting us a picture?)
  • Focused narrative (did you focus on one event or connected, series of events?)
  • The thoughtfulness of your reflections (is there a point?)
  • The carefulness of your proofreading and organization.
  • Word count: At least 1000 words!
  • Whether or not it’s on time