Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Final Annotated Bibliography

How racism or racial bullying impact our society


Racism is one of the most common problems which is happening in our society nowadays. Our society is facing this problem and it is increasing day by day.  This has a very negative impact on our society and people don’t feel safe. It’s illegal to treat people differently because of their race or culture. Racism is where someone thinks you’re inferior because of your color, ethnicity, nationality or race. This can result in them treating you differently or unfairly, this is called racial discrimination. Racial bullying is a type of racism where someone’s bullying focuses on your race, ethnicity or culture.  In 2020, there are lots of racism cases happening in our world and it is still going on. It causes lots of crimes and violence. It forces to to people to commit suicide, lots of murder were happened and rapidly increasing hate crimes. Racial bullying can range from casual but hurtful remarks, to deliberate physical and verbal attacks. Experts were researching that most of racial bullying happens in schools. In this case people didn’t feel safe and comfortable outside. They were scared and discriminated against. But people have to prevent this problem otherwise it’s going to get worse. People have to speak up against racism and fight for their rights. In my opinion, our Government should have to take positive steps for this problem to prevent this and build a peaceful world.


Entry One 

Fox5NY. Racism: A Brief History, Fox5NY, 12 Oct. 2017,

This YouTube video states what racism is and how people acted differently with others because of racism. Racism is when people treat other people differently for their races, culture and other things. Most of the scholars believe that this racism came from our history when Europe was spent and they made slaves for the growth and development of capitalism. The Anthropology Chairman of New York Academy of Sciences said racism is a power to justify, explaining and maintaining by creating differences between people. Coftman, 66 years old man was death in midtown and a white man James Jakeson murder him because he hated black people. Because of that a street poet wrote a poem against racism and spoke up about that. In New York, nowadays, it’s increasing day by day. 


According to the video, I believe that racism is totally illegal. We don’t have any right to talk, making fun and bullying about other races, colors and culture. Everyone is equal and has equal rights and freedom. In the video, an old man was murdered because he is black and his murderer hated black people. I think this old man deserved justice and his murderer should be punished for his crime otherwise, it’s going on and people will suffer a lot. That’s why a street poet wrote a poem to share his feelings about racism. He wrote, “Color doesn’t attack color. Hate and prejudice are unnatural, because you are not born with it; You are brown with it.” It demonstrates that he was totally against racism. He hated people when people thought negative with others. He wrote this because he wanted to stop racism and other people will also speak up against racism. Then racist will not get any chance to bully, murder and doing hate crimes with others. He wanted that Coftman get justice and others will live peacefully with their freedoms. So, we have to fight against racism and speak up for our rights.


Entry Two

media, Gannett. Linden Family Mourns 9-Year-Old Who Took Her Own Life, 10 Dec. 2018,

In this video states how racism has impacted our family and society. Racism is a hate crime and it destroys people’s lives. Racism negatively impacts our society and family. Because of that some people are feeling depressed, traumatize and some are forced to commit suicide. The story of “Mckenzie Adams” was an example of racial bullying. 9 years old elementary school student Adams was badly treated by her classmates because she belongs to a black family. Everyday she was being bullied, fun and tortured by her classmates. One day she didn’t tolerate their tortured and she took her own life by hanging herself. Her family were shocked and didn’t forget their huge loss. They lost their daughter. Then her aunt spread this news on television to spread an anti-bullying message to prevent other families. 

According to the video, Mckenzie Adams was a black girl who committed suicide because of racism. Racism is a very dangerous thing and it badly affects our society and family. People don’t live comfortably and freely in their society. I think most of the time black and African people are suffering from this problem. Some people thought black people were rude, arrogant, mean and don’t know how to behave with others. That’s why they hate them and also they think they are ugly black skinned and don’t deserve this beautiful planet.  They just judge them by their stereotypes, not their reality. If any black people were not good then they thought every black person had a problem and they hate them. People are bullying them, treating them badly, using abusive language and sometimes provoking them to fight physically. But some black people were weak and didn’t know how to deal with that. Then they feel depressed, upset and angry. Sometimes they give up their tolerance and commit suicide. Mckenzie Adams was in the same position because in her school everyone was treated very badly, taunted and made jokes with her every moment. Then she lost her tolerance and took her life. Then her aunt Harris, a television host of Atlanta, planned to spread the news to others to awaring those things. She wanted to spread an anti-bullying message from people to prevent other families from racism. I really agree with her aunt’s action and it is necessary for us to prevent this. Spreading anti bullying messages are very helpful for our society and family to awaring things and prevent from this.


Entry Three

9News. 3 Ways to Move Forward and Take Action to Prevent Racism, 6 July 2020,

In this video states how we can prevent and stop racism in our society and live freely in our society. The Urban Leadership Foundation of Colorado, Dr. Ryan Ross believe that if we have to prevent racism and stop hate crimes then we should have to focus on education policy like we all have to know about the history of civil rights and black people freed from slavery. He thought every school and colleges teach our students about those things. Then people realized that. Also we need to change our system because people are following the exact same thing from the system. After Lincoln’s death, the System of Federal Vice President wrote that white people supprimer to black people. So people were following this thing. Another thing Ross believes is that people all have speak up their voice and fight for their rights to prevent racism. People have to raise their voice for illegal treats and spread positive vibes in our society.

I agreed with this video when Dr. Ryan Ross describes preventing racism in 3 ways. Nowadays, racism is a common problem in every society. That makes people’s life difficult in society and family. People can’t move easily in their life because of that. But people have to prevent this problem and fight for their rights. They don’t need to be afraid and depressed about this. If people need anyone’s help to survive from bullying then first of all they have to share everything about those. We have to improve our education system like all people have to know about the history of civil rights and injustice of black people then they realize it and feel their emotions. If they know the history then they can’t deny the history. Also in our Federal systems declared after Lincoln’s death, white people are their first priority than black people. That day to present people were following this system. People were bullying, criticizing, making fun with black people but now we need to change this system because in our country everyone is equal. We all deserve freedom and equal rights. Also we all have raised our voices against racism and fight for our rights. We have to spread positive vibes and anti bullying messages to others for aware about those and prevent from that. If we removed racism from our country and world then everyone lives their life easily and freely and builds a peaceful and freedom world. 

Overall, Our views and beliefs develop as we grow up and are influenced by friends and family, neighborhoods, school and what we see and read in the media. People who are bullying don’t care about how others felt being bullied. Racial bullying can affect people’s life deeply; then they feel depressed, upset and angry. Sometimes they give up their tolerance and commit suicide. It’s totally illegal to treat people differently because of their race and culture. That’s why people should have to prevent it. People should have to speak up against bullying and ignore who is bullying. If people are discriminated against, they should have to fight with them for getting their equal rights. We all deserve this beautiful world and make this world peaceful and quiet.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller

    Received. I will review and grade this soon!

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