Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity #7: Research topic”

Racism and Law Enforcement

I chose topic “Police brutality”, I have some basic knowledge of that since I took criminology class in school. This topic is important because that’s what happens on daily basis to POC, especially African Americans. Not all people know what certain group of people going through and how Criminal Law is unjust and racial biased. This is interesting topic to talk about because people should know why the modern police was created in the first place. 

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller

    This is a good general topic, but now you need to refine it into a research question. Start by asking yourself: what is it about this topic that interests you? What is one specific thing you would like to look into related to this topic? Some examples include:
    Who founded the Black Lives Matter movement & did the founder base the movement on any historical models?
    Is police brutality worse in urban, rural or suburban environments?
    How does police brutality in the US compare to police brutality in other countries (where is it worse? where is it comparable?)
    What are the various views that police who are POC hold regarding what is going on with the BLM movement?

    These are examples of research questions– you can use or adapt one of these or make up a new one…

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