Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

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I’m not much of a politics kind of person but this year’s election seemed intense, not only through out the U.S but even globally. Every time I opened my social media apps all I saw was information or jokes about the presidential election of 2020, even arguments. As I waited for the results for the choice of the new president it made me feel anxious because we don’t know what would happen after which ever president gets elected. I feel this way because not much good has been happening through out the year of 2020 and when it comes to presidential elections especially involving trump or just anything with him, there seems to be a lot of problems and chaos. Personally I feel like no president has really done much of a major change for the people that is actually important. An example would be re uniting kids and parents that have been taken and separated by ICE through out the years. There has been thousands of cases where children have gone missing because of that and nothing is done about it or even being investigated. There many important things that should be focused on, not just that.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    Your point about the severe problem of children being separated from from their parents due to immigration status is an extremely important one. Let’s hope this new administration with Biden & Harris addresses that situation immediately.

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