NOTE: If you have not gotten me the rough draft of your Annotated Bibliography (and you have not spoken to me about an extension), then please get it to me over the weekend or by Monday at the very latest! You can post it on OpenLab or share it as a Google doc. or just email it to me.

New deadline for the revised Annotated Bibliography: Wednesday, November Nov. 18. You will receive feedback from me re: your rough drafts soon, so you can dig into those revisions 🙂

Meanwhile… here are your tasks for this week. Please complete them and post by Friday, Nov. 13.


Set a timer for ten minutes and write out all your feelings about waiting for the election results. You don’t have to share who you want to be the next president (although you are welcome to!). What I really want you to do is just write out your frustrations, hopes, anxieties, excitement, express your boredom etc. Spend ten minutes!

  • Before publishing your post, make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “Freewrite.” You can make this private if you wish.
    • Pick the category “Week 12 Work”


  • Listen: Robbie Brown, “21 Chump Street” ( podcast ) NOTE: There are several podcasts listed here,  you are welcome to listen to all of them, but the one for the assignment is under ACT TWO: 21 Chump Street”
  • Watch: Lin Manuel Miranda  “21 Chump Street” (short musical)
  • Read: Alexia Campbell, “30 Students Arrested in Palm Beach County Drug Sting
  • Read through the assignment guidelines for “Unit 3: Writing in a New Genre” (Posted under “Major Assignments”). You don’t have to actually do anything with these guidelines yet, just read through them!


Micro-Activity: Looking at Genres

  • Write a post in which you respond to the following:
    • Write a short paragraph (approx. 300 words) commenting on the similarities and differences between the two genres (the podcast and the musical) used for “21 Chump Street.” In your paragraph, discuss the following:
      • In the podcast, who is telling the story? What about in the musical? Do either of the pieces incorporate more than one point of view?
      • How do you think the experience of listening to the podcast differs from that of watching the play? And how do any of these differences affect the tone? 
      • Do you come away with a different perspective on what happened or with different information when reading the news article vs. listening to the podcast vs. viewing the short musical? How so? Do you view the characters and the outcome of the situation differently depending on the genre?
  • Before publishing your post, make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “Micro-Activity: Looking at Genres”
    • Pick the category “Week 12 Work”