Research Question: Are Gender roles and inequality somehow connected the the anatomy of the body?

what is gender inequality. Gender Inequality means men and women are not treated as equal and it affects an individual’s living experience. These differences arise from distinctions in biology, psychology, and cultural norms. Some of these types of distinctions are empirically grounded while others appear to be socially constructed. I find this  topic very interesting because  I want to explore in depth on how it came to be that men are the more superior gender. Is it an anatomy thing that has to do with the way the body is built?  Is it because Men have testosterone while females have estrogen? Is it because  women are usually known to be more emotional than Men. Were theses gender norms in existence during the stone age? I personally feel like when people think of gender inequality they usually think on the surfaces of what it is or why it has to be. I wanted to take a different approach and I wanted to dig deeper into the anatomy of a male body and the anatomy of the female body and compare the two to see if I can find a major difference that would give a  proper and adequate reasoning as to why women are treated less worthy while men are treated as the superior species. I also wanted to go into how far back this logic has been going on for. I wanted to research about whether cavemen used some behaviors that are similar to how we portray that men are more masculine and therefore should be allowed to take control of certain situations and events that may have been taking place such as going hunting, making fires, protecting others from incoming dangers and other miscelleaneous things