Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #7: Research Topic

The Topic I chose was Problems with Immigration

Immigration is an issue that affects a wide range of people, commonly found in the United States. These people face many challenges because of their status including restrictions on their civil liberties, civil rights, and working rights. However, there are groups, agencies, and people who make it their goal to help and fight for immigrant rights. In the United States, immigrants have faced many challenges whether they were here legally or illegally. In the past there have been many laws presented against helping immigrants. Even though these laws were not passed, if they were it would have made it even more difficult to get immigrants the help that they. Immigrants also helped to build the countries labor unions to what they are today. They often did the jobs that no one else wanted to do and they did it for very little pay. However, doing research I found that many labor unions today are against hiring immigrants to work for them. Even though in the past immigrants have helped build the unions those unions they are not appreciated for it. Immigrants do not receive the same rights and are often discriminated against when it comes to public benefits.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    This is a very interesting topic. Now, your task is going to turn it into a research question. You could take a couple of paths: You could ask why, when and where were labor unions first established and what immigrant groups were first part of that movement? Which immigrant groups have been left out of the labor unions over the years & what kind of shifting toward or aware from immigrant groups has occurred?

    Another angle you might take with your research is to investigate organizations that have helped to defend immigrant rights (such as the Legal Aid Society).

    If none of these research questions appeals to you– come up with a different one! The key is to develop a question that is specific and that you don’t already know the answer to…

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