Education is the most powerful word for every person’s life. Every person’s needs to be educated. In my country people believe education is key to success. Education gives us power, confidence and encourages us to move on with our life. It makes us independent and solves our every difficulties. In the article “Allegory of the Cave”, Allegory Cave was a cave where a group of prisoners were captured since their birth and they had no knowledge about outside. They thought shadows are real and made their imaginary world and they didn’t believe what other people explained to them. They thought they were right and others were wrong. That happened because the prisoners had zero knowledge about outside and they made their own imaginary world. Also prisoners were not educated and had no idea about anything. That’s why education is very important for everyone’s life.
I believe that everyone needs to be educated for their rights. Education makes me independent and confident, then I don’t have to depend on others and nobody controls my life. But if we are not educated, then we don’t know about anything, no knowledge and also depends on others. Sometimes uneducated people are persecuted and they are silent when they are right, they don’t even protest. And they thought they were weak and did not fight for their rights. People who are not educated sometimes face unemployment problems and people’s ignorance. I know that feeling when people were ignoring others because they were detaching from education. 2 years ago I was facing people’s ignorance because I was taking a break from my education for 15 months. When I remembered those feelings, I felt very sad. I was not prepared to take a break but for some personal issues I had to do it. In my life the educational year drop is really mattered because my age and educational year was completely matched with others but now I am senior compared with my other classmates. That hurts me a lot. I still remember that date when I went to my country Bangladesh for this break. It was 10th July, 2018, I went to Bangladesh and met with my cousins, grandparents and uncles- aunts. First of all, they all were really happy to meet with me because about 2 years after they saw me. Then everyday I felt bored and had nothing to do. First 1 month I really enjoyed it but after that it was getting worse day by day. I wanted to go outside, travel places, hangout with friends and cousins and visit relative houses but I couldn’t do that. I passed my time to use social media, playing games and watching serials. I thought I had nothing to do so I just made a plan to go outside with my cousins because it would be more fun if we went there with a bunch of people. Then I shared my idea about my cousins and they liked it and we fixed our date to go there. When the date arrived they said they wouldn’t go there because they all have lots of homework. I didn’t mind it because I thought I was on break but they were not. Also I insisted my mom go outside with me but she was always busy with her household work. It was not possible for me to go outside alone because I didn’t know anything about any places, I needed a guide. My sister was also in the same situation and dealing with those problems. Other day, I called some Bangladeshi friends for an outing but they also rejected me. My life was going to use social media, playing games and watching serials. Few months later I again asked my cousins for a hangout and I knew that they weren’t busy because of the holiday season. But they said they were busy and taunted me, “We are busy with our study. Just think you are free it doesn’t mean we are free. Education is not important for your life but in our life it’s really important.” Another day, I called them to wish for eid and new year but they didn’t pick my call. They thought I called them for another plan. My other relatives were also gossiping about my study and said, “How can you survive without education and how long it’s going on? It’s not fair.” My family was ignoring me a lot. One day my whole family arranged a party to get together and we all were present there. At the party, most of the people ignored me, my sister and my parents. All were angry with my parents because of my study. They believed without education people were going down the wrong path and spoiled others lifes. They said they were keeping distance from us otherwise it would badly affect their kids. My parents and I really felt very bad. And they decided to put me and my sister to a Bangla medium school because English medium school was very expensive in my country, but me and my sister were against that. Because we wanted to start our school in New York. Everyday we were fighting for that to start school or come back to New York. I didn’t know the reason why we came to Bangladesh. Maybe my parents had some problems. My family members and relatives didn’t understand our problems, and didn’t understand what difficulties we were dealing with in that situation. They thought, “Every family has problems and it’s nothing new.” They were ignoring our problems and pretending like it was nothing and anyone can solve it in the right way. They were gossiping with others that, “We were weak and didn’t try to solve problems.” They were just making their story and opinion, and didn’t see our point of view and didn’t believe us. According to the article “Allegory of the Cave”, the freed prisoner was in the same situation where his other panthers didn’t believe him even though he was right. Allegory Cave where a group of prisoners were captured since their birth and they had no knowledge about outside. They thought shadows are real and made their imaginary world. One day one prisoner was freed and went outside and got knowledge about outside. Then he realized everything they thought was their illusion not real. And he went to the cave and explained to them about their imagination and told them those were not real. But his panthers didn’t believe him, they didn’t understand his point of view. They just thought their imaginary world was real and others were wrong. It is kind of similar to my story because my relatives also didn’t understand my point of view. They only believe what they think about.
In my story, skipping education is the biggest factor of people’s ignorance. Once I detached from the education people were ignoring, when I restarted it people were reconnecting with me. For about 15 months later, my family was able to solve all the problems and finally my parents decided to come back to New York. I was really happy and came to New York on 22nd October, 2019. On 24th October, I re-admitted to my school and started my study again. Once I started school again their behavior went back to what it was before. They said now I am on a good platform. In their opinion, they recognize me as “worthy” of their attention and also thought without education I didn’t learn anything about outside. According to the article “Allegory of the Cave”, prisoners didn’t have any knowledge, that’s why they just believed their illusion as reality, because they were not educated. The article states, “To stay there and refuse to go down again to the prisoners in the cave and share their labors and honors, whether they are of less worth or of greater. Then are we to them an injustice by making them live a worse life when they could live a better one?” It demonstrates that we all deserve the same rights and all need justice. We can’t be injustice with anyone to make their life worse. If all people are educated then nobody will face injustice and they will be happy in their life.
Overall, I learn lots of things in this way and I realized education helps me to do things independently and gives happiness in my life. Education gives us happiness and power to fight with anything wrong that will happen. So, if we all deserve the same rights and happiness then we have to be educated. That’s why education is very important in every person’s life.
Final draft was graded on google docs.