Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro Activity #7: Research Topic.

Human brains could merge with technology sooner than we think, written by Chris Ciaccia



The main idea about technology is to demonstrate how communication was already found by people years ago, the idea of light was also discovered, so what is left to do, what is left to take. Easy, merging with it, the question is always going to be, why? Humans in and of themselves have a short life span, sure people may feel like it’s long, but that is only for those that have reached there final stages in life, and even then, there is always that chance of living forever, but there hasn’t been real ways of keeping the body itself intact. So, what is the only thing left for people to do, easy, technology has shown in recent medical studies that it can help in lengthening peoples lives, by replacing certain essentials to keep running. The only last part of the body that hasn’t been able to be completely figured out is the mind, the consciousness by the human body. Why? The human mind is not a physical thing, the brain is only supposed to hold the activity that goes on, but the neurons, the little thoughts goin in and out, those are the truly scary things going on. Once a person dies, the memory is lost because the small chemical reactions inside no longer work. That would be the last key component to discovering the new stage to human evolution.


The reason I would choose technology as the topic is because it demonstrates how much it has influenced us, can change the way human evolution is seen in the line of evolution  itself, and a whole new idea on what technology represents can be shown.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    This is a wild topic! Great! Now, your task is to develop a research question to really dig into.

    The idea of looking into research that probes the question of whether or not the human consciousness can be suspended (kept alive) is fascinating.

    I see that you already have some articles about this topic, but expand your search into more scholarly articles (not just newspaper articles). If you have not used City Tech’s online library yet, I will be posting information on how to use the databases.

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