Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #6: Antigone

Antigone a strong woman who disobeyed kings laws. In the play, Antigone buried her brother’s body even though it was forbidden because Creon (the king os the state) foreboded to bury Polynices because he was ravaging the Thebes land but his brother was defending it. So, according to Creon, his brother, Eteocles, deserved proper funeral. She believes that her brother deserves a justice to be buried in Thebes and because she doesn’t want the body to rot and be eaten by birds and dogs.
In my opinion, I think she is a hero, she didn’t care about getting executed for what she has done, she cared more about her brother’s funeral rights, it shows a strong bond between her and her brother, love, respect and loyalty to her family. Also, in play Creon said: “While I am alive, no woman will rule me” (Creon, line 525). This line demonstrates how brave Antigone is, because she goes against the king and for her, MORALS are over Creon’s laws.
Corruption can be one of the example as injustice, nowadays politics can bribe each other, and any problem can be solved with money. Or totalitarianism/dictatorship, even now there is some countries that still rule like Creon. Creon made Thebes citizens be afraid of him, he threatened to execute anyone who will touch Polynices’ body. He used abuse of power, only because he is a king. The video helped me to be more emphatic to Antigone, because the lady who was performing, she was expressing emotions. In general, all people that were performing a play, their tones changed as they performed, for example, a man that was playing Creon, made me mad little bit, because the way he said something, and expressed “disgust” face towards Antigone, made me angry, because it also shows how mysogynistic Creon is.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    I’m so glad that watching the video had such an impact on you– that is what powerful theater is supposed to do!

    Now, I’m hoping that this play and your response to it will help you come up with some engaging topics to consider for your Annotated Bibliography (see Week 9 work).

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