Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #6: Antigone

Antigone, written by Sophocles, is an ancient Greek drama created around 442 BC. Antigone ignores and disobeys Creon, the ruler of the city, and state laws. Antigone wants to bury the body of her brother Polynices. So she decided not to abide by the country’s rules, and she would not be afraid of the consequences of this decision. Antigone violated Creon’s decree to bury her brother. Polynices is her relative, Antigone has lost her father, mother, and two brothers now. She realized that her actions would lead to death.
Antigone is a hero for a family. She rebelled against the laws of the country. At the same time, she is also a sinner. She did not abide by the law, which Creon ordered to executed Antigone. Creon was disturbed by Antigone’s actions. Antigone is influencing his authority. If there is the first time, there will be countless times. Others will not listen to him, and Creon will lose his power. This drama is a duel between morality and law. Both sides believe that they have done nothing wrong; that is what they need to do, and that the other side is doing wrong.
Reading the play can not make an image on the mind; the reader can’t feel the character’s feelings and emotions. It is hard to understand the characters to make the decisions for readers. But the video is different. Watch a video that is helpful to understand the Characters in the play. It is a stage performance performed with one’s real actions, voices, and emotions. The video will leave a deep impression on the audience and achieve direct communication with the audience.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    This is a very thoughtful and thought-provoking response. What I mean by this is that you thought a lot about your response, and then you cause your reader to think a lot about what you’ve said. Nice work.

    One intriguing line from your response is “Both sides believe that they have done nothing wrong; that is what they need to do, and that the other side is doing wrong.” This is the world we live in today! Our country is very divided, and many people seem unwilling to hear the other side (when it comes to politics at least).

    Think about researching the idea of “political polarization” for your Annotated Bibliography assignment (see Agenda for Week 9).

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