Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity # 6: Antigone

Antigone is being disobedient because she isn’t  obeying the law. She is disobeying the law that her uncle Creon established which she thinks is unjustified. The reason as to why they are calling her disobedient is because as a women at that time they didn’t have much rights and she is going against that as well as her uncles rule. The reason why she is so motivated is because of the fact that her brothers(Etecles and Polynices) killed each other and one of them is getting a proper burial and the other isn’t. She didn’t care what her uncle Creon enforced so she went ahead and buried the brother that wasn’t going to get a burial, Polynices, because they called him a traitor. Antigone did what the gods wanted because they have a higher authority because “power of the gods was greater than the power of any king.”

Antigone in my eyes is a hero. She went against what her uncle said was illegal a did what she believed. She stood up to her uncle, who is higher than her and followed what she believed in.  It was her family and anybody should go to those lengths for the people you love. It was her own blood family which is the lengths of a hero. She fought against her own ruling and did what the she wanted. Since Creon had the higher authority he didn’t care what anyone else thought. Not even his own niece. His own nephew he didn’t want to give him a proper burial. When power comes along, people get blindsided. Just like how in today’s society people let money and fame get to them, it is the same way when power comes into play. When i watched the video, it showed me the true emotions that Antigone shows throughout. It really helped show how motivated Antigone will go to give her brother a proper burial.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    Good response. I’m glad that watching the video helped you to understand the intense emotion that is part of this Greek tragedy!

    Also, I hope this play inspires you to think about some interesting issues to research for the next assignment (see the agenda for Week 9).

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