Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity # 5: Discussion Brainstorm

Into todays world education is the key to success, it doesn’t matter if you have more experience or know just as much as the next person education will always open doors for you. What I mean by this is often if you don’t go to college you will get looked/picked over for the job by someone who did go to college. Eduction is power that no one can take away from. We also respond to education different, some people are willing to learn and and will go the extra mile into to learn even more and so e people will completely reject education. There are also different ways of learning. Some people people learn better when they are listening to instructions, auditory learner, some people learn better when they are being shown what to do, visual learner, and some people are more hand on when learning, kinesthetic learner. Education can have a direct effect on everyone especially the way it is taught. or example history, it is important that if a teacher is teaching a class that she teaches them the entire truth and not just half, some people like Malcolm X take it upon themselves to read and educate themselves to learn more.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    I really like that you focused in on this idea of how there are many different ways of learning (visual, auditory etc.). If you are comfortable try including reflections on the ways you feel you best learn (there may be more than one!) in your rough draft. And then illustrate this for your reader by taking us into a specific experience (in the classroom or on the job or some other moment).

    Also, there is an interesting connection that you’ve brought up between HOW people learn and WHERE people learn as these two things relate to ASSUMPTIONS that the traditional institution of education makes. When you say “education”– the traditional picture that people may have is a classroom where a teacher is lecturing… But Malcolm X taught himself in a prison. And, as you observed, there are a multitude of ways of learning things. So this idea of assumptions when it comes to education is also something you can explore.

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