Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity # 4: Allegory of the Cave”

  1.   There are both studenst and teachers that are being described in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. The ones that would be considered the students would be the prisoners that weren’t released from the cave. They would be the students because they are the ones that haven’t been exposed outside of the cave and are getting the information from the prisoner that has been outside of the cave. The prisoner that did get out of the cave would also be a student if we look closely because he is observing people and how a normal day to day life would be. The prisoner is also observing nature and although he is scared there is a lot of questions and curiosity going on like it would for anyone that isn’t familiar with something. The teachers would be the prisoner that was released as well as the people living their day to day lives. The civilians would pretty much play a big role of being a teacher because they are showing what an idea of a normal life would be to the former prisoner. The former prisoner would also be a teacher to the prisoners because he is giving them the details as to how it is outside of the cave. Even though the prisoners don’t understand what the guy is trying to say, the former prisoner is giving them a preview of how it is if they are all released one day. What differentiates a student and a teacher would be that the teachers have already been educated on topics that they are teaching. With students they are observing information from the teacher so that they can start to brainstorm their own questions and possibly educate themselves even more.
  2. There are many purposes of education and what would make sense in my point of view as to it’s purpose is to look at things from different perspectives. To elaborate more on this, if we look at today when people don’t know both sides of something because they haven’t educated themselves enough about the situation to come to a proper conclusion. Going back to the scenario that Plato gave us which was the prisoners in the cave and they weren’t able to see what anythign that was behind them. When one of the prisoners gets released he makes new discoveries and when he goes back to tell the other prisoners the other prisoners don’t recognize the former prisoner and in a way the prisoners can’t imagine what it would be like outside the cave. Education is a very powerful tool that can be used for great things and many times when people are being educated on something that they aren’t familair with they get scared liek the free prisoner got scared when he finally saw what was outside the cave. When being well educated people aren’t really blinded or fooled by what the government might say or what they see in the media. Not only are people educating themselves on different subjects, but in the process of being educated you are learning. People might also learn things about themselves as to what they like and what they want to do in life and what they don’t; what skills they are good at and what skills they aren’t good at that they might want to improve on etc.


  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    This observation that you made– “The prisoner is also observing nature and although he is scared there [are] a lot of questions and curiosity going on like it would [be] for anyone that isn’t familiar with something” is extremely important!

    *note: the editorial brackets [ ] means I have changed your wording.. during the semester, we will talk about using these!

    You note that the prisoner OBSERVES and that he is SCARED but he also has QUESTIONS and is CURIOUS. These are four extremely fundamental elements of education. We must observe and be curious, and we must ask questions. And because part of being educated means getting out of your comfort zone… (and encountering, as you say, things that are not familiar), pursuing an education often means being scared. Nice work!

  2. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    This observation that you made– “The prisoner is also observing nature and although he is scared there [are] a lot of questions and curiosity going on like it would [be] for anyone that isn’t familiar with something” is extremely important!

    *note: the editorial brackets [ ] means I have changed your wording.. during the semester, we will talk about using these!

    You note that the prisoner OBSERVES and that he is SCARED but he also has QUESTIONS and is CURIOUS. These are four extremely fundamental elements of education. We must observe and be curious, and we must ask questions. And because part of being educated means getting out of your comfort zone… (and encountering, as you say, things that are not familiar), pursuing an education often means being scared. Nice work!

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