Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #2: Responding to Bunn

As a reader my reading taste is mostly just poetry such as Rupi Kaur. As for my reading habits depending on the book and if I like it or find it interesting I could spend the whole day reading that one book. Sometimes when reading i find it hard to focus and it causes me to stop reading for awhile and then continue again and it would take me forever to finish the book. As for my writing habits or challenges I’m not sure of what they are besides sometimes having writers block. As I did the experiment of timing how long I am able to read nonstop with out being distracted, I used one of my own books called “YOU” by Caroline Kepnes. I read my book for an hour with out being distracted by my technology or the fridge. It is sometimes distracting reading at home because of my two siblings and the noise they make.

A line from the Bunn essay that i have found useful is that you should form questions as you read, “..train yourself to formulate questions as you read based on whatever you notice in the text.“ on page 84. This is a good piece of advice because as you read and form questions about the reading based on how you feel about it, it helps you understand why the writer had put certain words or phrases through out the text or it helps you understand what the reading is really about. This is also something I should try out as a reader because sometimes I get lost and not sure what the reader means by certain things and i go off reading the book without stopping to figure out what I need to understand.

At the start of page 71, Bunn begins by giving some background information about the time period that he is talking about in this reading. The time period consist of how his reading skills were in the past before he learned how to read like a writer. I think Bunn started his introduction off the way he did because he wanted to emphasize how sometimes professors expect their students to already know how to do certain things or read a certain way and will go straight into the lesson while some students are confused and may not know what to do or how to. Bunn also talks about how he would have to reread a book or texts because he would get easily distracted and I think he shared some of these details to connect to the audience reading. Questions: How does the author move from one idea to another in the writing? What are techniques being used by the author?

What Morrison means about reading as a “skill” is that it helps the reader understand the meaning of the text and what the author is trying to convey through out the reading. As for reading as an “art” it means that the reader is recognizing the writers writing style, emotions, and thoughts throughout the reading. Morrison states “ My own reading skills were enhanced in school, but my pleasure in, my passion for the art of reading came long before.” This helps illustrate my ideas because it helps show that only you can help yourself see reading as an art and have a passion for it, no one could make you or teach you.


1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller

    Hi Melanie,

    Thanks for your detailed and thoughtful response! I love that you were able to read for an hour without distraction. It’s true that our attention span really varies depending on what we’re reading…

    Writers’ Block is definitely a problem with which all writers & students struggle. Part of this class will be spent on discussing strategies for overcoming this problem.

    I’m glad you really took to heart what Mike Bunn is saying about training yourself to ask questions and to notice things in the text. If you can work on doing this throughout the semester, you will have accomplished a lot of what it means to be a college student. In other words, staying focused, engaged and curious about whatever it is you are reading, researching etc. is the key to success in your college courses.

    I also enjoyed reading your comments and reflection on Morrison.

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