Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro-activity #4: Allegory of the Cave.

There are of course those who could be described as teachers and those who could be described as teachers , such as stock managers, and the students being stock brokers. the reason for this being that stock managers will of course teach the stock brokers what to do if anything goes wrong. The difference between students and teachers is that students at times will learn things and can either do one of two things, change the facts they have been taught or become bliss towards anyone. Teachers on the other hand will try their best to teach their beliefs and practices in an effort to make a change.

The purpose of education is to allow for better literacy skills, better social skills, and better ways of learning how to work with others. The basis of education may change most of the time but things can always remain the same through its purpose, which is to pass knowledge from one generation to the next. However, education isn’t always the greatest thing, sometimes it can be flawed and can only teach the truth on one hands side, while the other side of a story is forgotten, only few teachers ever say what really happens in history, or how will certain things learned in school will actually help.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    It’s true that that the educational process can be very flawed, and sometimes can cause more harm than good.

    Think more about the prisoner’s experience when he left the cave & then tried to return to the cave to share with the fellow prisoners what he had learned. Do you think he had a duty to share his experiences with them or should he have just left them alone?

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