Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #3 Malcolm X

Maybe I Could Save Myself By Writing

Quote 1: “when I was a teenager, I felt like I belonged nowhere. I know it’s a cliché: Ni de aqui, ni de alla, but damn if I didn’t feel that. I walked around with my head to the ground. I was just trying to get through each day.”

Reason :  This quote serves an important purpose because it is relatable to most young adults. It is meant to give the readers a little glimpse or backstory about the author. It is also meant to be used as relatable information that both the audience and author can understand.

Quote 2 :  “All my questions about where I belonged would be answered. I could go and live a good, anxiety-free life.”

Reason:  This quote also relatable because it expresses that each  person has their own individual challenges. I for one can relate to this because being that i was born in Nigerian and came to the states at a young age, I felt the same way. I was lost as to which lifestyle i belonged to and I had the same thoughts and the same fears. I still struggle with some of those fears today but it has become easier to manage and I have now learned that I can belong to both lifestyles.

Quote 3:  “writing shifted my relationship to education and power. After I started writing, I stopped being interested in models of education that didn’t consider me an active participant”

Reason : This quote expresses how he came to the realization that writing could be the solution to all his problems. He shares that when he found peace in writing, He didn’t have the time to listen to or pay attention to those who unintentionally rendered him useless when he was in their presence. He mentions that writing was his escape from all the troubles that came with this new journey that he had been embarking on

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller

    Quote #1 — Reason #1
    Be a bit more specific. When you say, “It is also meant to be used as relatable information that both the audience and author can understand.” What do you mean by that? How/why is it relatable? Try to be as specific as possible in your responses.

    Quotes #2 & #3– Reasons #2 & #3: Your response here is much more specific– good!

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