I did a Platform project. It was a challenge project for me and I learned a lot about how to make a safe platform unit.

I will present you, the original drawing and the corrections that I did in some drawings.

Original Drawing: PE1

My corrections according to the professor recommendations ( in format .jpg & .pdf).


Original Drawing: PE2

My corrections according to the professor recommendations ( in format .jpg & .pdf).


Original Drawing: PE3

This drawing does not have any correction! (format .jpg & .pdf)




Original Drawing: PE4

This drawing does not have any correction! (format .jpg & .pdf)



Original Drawing: PE5


My corrections according to the professor recommendations ( in format .jpg & .pdf).

I changed the platforms units in sizes, 4×6, 2×6 & 3×6.

I fixed the join directions, Also, I fixed the legs directions because having legs in the same direction, is more convenient at the moment to add the cross bracing.

In the platform C, I changed the frame structure and I put angles of 90°. With this changes I avoid angle joins of 45°.

Old C platform.

New C platform.


This is the final drawing!



Original Drawing: PE6 & PE7

This drawing does not have any correction! But, I fixed the joins in each platform and legs direction, too. Also, I put the five platforms in only one page. So, now Plate No. 6&7, is only Plate No. 6. (format .jpg & .pdf)