Internship Journal #4 – On the Hunt

I explored different internships that were on the OpenLab internship site and on Google. I wanted to find something that was in my interest which was Motion Graphic Design but because the weeks were flying by super fast, my main focus was just getting any internship. I looked more into the internships that were posted on OpenLab since Professor Goetz said that those specifically were looking for City Tech students. My first choice that I applied for was the Brooklyn Navy Yard, their application required an upload of my resume, answers to a few questions about myself and why I wanted to intern there. Due to horrible time management, I sent my application late which led to all of the positions being filled.

I managed to still keep my head up high in hopes of finding an internship as soon as possible. I came across another internship on the site called, Calling All Graphics. I read the description and noticed it said, “Lots of menus so if you love the food industry, this could be of great interest to you.” The moment I saw the word food, I quickly sent Marla Gotay an email. That same day, Marla replied back to me at night to jump on a Zoom meeting with her the next morning. Unfortunately, I missed the meeting because I didn’t see her email until later that next morning but thankfully, Marla was able to set up another Zoom meeting with me the following day and welcomed me aboard!

Internship Journal #3 – Resume and Portfolio Loading. . .

After looking at a variety of design templates and examples, I knew exactly what I wanted to add to my resume to make it look more appealing. I added design elements such as color and shape. I chose to use different shades of pink for my color palette because that has always been my favorite color with a splash of gray for contrast and rectangles. My resume was slowly but surely coming together and I began feeling more confident about it. Besides showing Professor Goetz, I shared my resume with some of my classmates and friends from outside of school for feedback.

Final Resume

Besides the resume, I began putting together a portfolio with Adobe. I had no idea on how I wanted to organize my website because I had both motion and graphic design work that I wanted to include. After looking at examples and templates that Adobe had already installed, it wasn’t too difficult to put everything together. This definitely wasn’t a task that I was be able to perfect in one sitting, I had to continue going back to make changes.

Internship Journal #2 – Building my Resume

On this week, we had one on one meetings with Professor Goetz. For the past week, I worked on updating my resume by adding school related experiences and focused on the layout of the information to have it more visually organized. I also added more skills and personal interests to make it more of a design resume instead of just work resume. The first resume draft that I showed Professor Goetz was very plain and had no design elements added to it. She showed me examples of design templates from previous students and I also searched online for inspiration.

First draft of my resume
Second draft of my resume

While working on my resume, I was still feeling concerned about not having  an internship. I focused too much on not having one instead of actually finding one. I kept a positive mindset, took everything day by day, and one task at a time to keep myself at ease.


Internship Journal #1 – Lost and Anxious

When the Fall Semester began, I had no internship. I was very nervous and anxious about whether or not I was going to get one. I was told by other students in previous semesters that I needed to have one before taking the class, but thankfully that was not true. I was completely unprepared for the Internship class, I didn’t know what to expect. I had no online portfolio and I haven’t updated my resume since 2019. I know what I needed to do but I had no idea where to start. Luckily, I knew some familiar faces when we had our first class meeting on Zoom so I decided to reach out to my classmates for help. One thing that I did know was, networking was very crucial especially during this time where almost everything is remote.