Author Archives: Gin Pena

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

In comparison to the film, I felt like the book and the film took completely different directions with the story line. His initial goal in the book is to earn enough money to buy an animal to take care for as suggested since animals are going extinct. Through his hardships feeling bad for killing the androids, he eventually learns to love the toad even if it wasn’t real, because it still has a conscious. However, the movie and the book are similar in the fact that in the film, Deckard never kills Rachael, and in the book, Deckard chooses to accept the fact that the frog was not real. It was the fact that Deckard accepted the way things are made things real.


I enjoyed the plot twist in this film, when Gaff had left an origami unicorn on the floor of Deckard’s apartment door. By the end of this film, I didn’t really think about Deckard or any of the other characters but Gaff. The reason is that it brings up a few questions. Why didn’t Gaff kill Rachael when he had the perfect chance to do it when Deckard was out retiring replicants? Furthermore, why did Gaff never kill Deckard? Once again Gaff misses both opportunities to kill them both.

More specifically, if Gaff didn’t kill them, perhaps he had more in store for Deckard. Perhaps only a replicant can find another replicant, sort of like “it takes one to know one”. Another thing is that there is constantly junk everywhere, almost as if to say, Deckard has to keep digging in order to find out the truth. The replicants behavior was strange as well, then again, you have to remember that they are androids, with someone else memories.


Chinatown has to be one of the best noir films in all the film’s we watched. It’s not so much because of the color, but I was more drawn into the story than previous films. Jake, the protagonists, was constantly being stopped not only by henchman, but also police investigators as well. And what a crazy twist when we found out that Katherine was Evelyn’s daughter and sister after she was slapped by Jake so many times. In the end, he ends up helping Evelyn escape with her daughter/sister but that was cut short.

I think out of all the noir film’s we’ve watched, I felt like this film took a different route than what other noir films usually do. Normally, the femme fatale is the one that pushes the protagonist into more and more trouble. They are usually the ones who are completely manipulative and selfish on what they want. However, in this film, although the femme fatale did lie Jake into trouble, the femme fatale did it for moral reasons, that was to save her daughter from her father. When Evelyn dies and you see Katherine’s father taking Katherine away, it’s like nobody won here.

Double Indemnity

Once again, the femme fatale in this movie strikes and reels in the protagonist to get him to do what she wants. I thought the story line this noir film got my attention, especially when it was so obvious that Phyllis was taking advantage of Neff after she went along with the plan of killing her husband, what a twisted mind. Like always, small clues left big tracks behind which eventually caught up with Neff leading to him killing Phyllis. This noir film also still follows the convention of the protagonist “redemption”.

In noir films, the protagonist are not heroes of the film, but really redeemers of a tragedy they’ve gotten themselves into. This happen especially in this case, Neff ended up confessing what he had done on a recorder and to Keyes as well. It’s like he knew it was a matter of time that he was going to get caught, why not make yourself look better. He also did pretty much end Phyllis’ reign of terror on the manipulation of her victims.


1984 was a book that showed how much a government (in the book known as the party), and what they can do to a victim. Winston Smith is a man working a job to erase and rewrite history the way the party thinks it should go. He lives in a world where the mere though of creativity or new ideas is strictly forbidden and punishable by death, or work 25 years in a labor camp. Yet he kept a diary and made entries, which is again, illegal. This is a man that seems to want a rebellion, but doesn’t want to be the one to start it. Even to the point where he starts to believe that O’Brien, his supervisor (higher ranking in the party), is part of the rebellion, Brotherhood. He also later on falls in love with a woman named Julia and have a relationship, which once again, is illegal.

Eventually, O’brien “admits” that he is part of the Brotherhood to Winston and even gives him a book to read on it. As Winston and Julia stay in their apartment later, the thought police come in and capture them both. Winston is in his cell, where they torture him physically and mentally by O’brien himself. At one point, O’brien sets up a torture device which is to release rats onto Winston. However, before the torture even starts, Winston yells out that he wants the torture to happen to Julia instead. That’s when O’brien knew that his work was done, because Winston was now broken.


Brazil is a film that makes your jaw drop at the end. Sam Lowry started out as a person working for the government. He also often dreams about flying free, trying to save a woman of his dreams from getting captured. Sam is sent out to fix an error made by the government which caused an innocent man, Harry Buttle, to be accused as a terrorist and to be killed. This terrorist, Harry Tuttlem, now roams free doing more terrorist activities throughout the film. Sam, however, found the woman in his dreams (Jill) and starts digging information about her to the point where he accepts a new job position for “information retrieval” to access information on her.

In the process, this caused a lot of trouble, especially mistrust of his friend Jack (a surgeon of some sort). Towards the end, as Sam and Jill finally run away together, are caught at gunpoint. Sam is later restrained in a chair and visited by Jack, his friend, who is the one who will perform the torture. As he starts, Harry comes in and saves him, and events start happening that can only happen in a dream. In the final part of his dream, Sam and Jill run away together in a clear green land and quickly the camera cuts to Sam still strapped in the chair with the look of his mind being lost. One of the most eye opening camera cut away,

The Set-Up

This film was a bit strange in the beginning and understandable towards the end. The reason I say this is because you don’t really see anything noir about the film until the very end. Stoker Thompson, the protagonist of the film, is a boxer who is known for losing his matches. This gave his manager the idea to bet on him losing. Little Boy, a gangster, was also offering for Stoker to take a dive, so his plan worked out great, except for that fact that the manager never told Stoker.

As the match goes on, Stoker seems to start losing against his opponent, but ends up grabbing on to the courage to win the fight. Not only that, but his manager became scared that he ends up telling Stoker about the deal, but Stoker refuses to fall and ends up winning the fight. Although he wins the fight, he ends up getting beaten up by Little Boy’s associates (including Stoker’s opponent), and has his hand broken. Usually in noir films, it shows you the crime done and the case afterwards, this film to another direction where it slowly progressed into a dark noir film.

Asphalt Jungle

Asphalt Jungle is one of those films that involves a trigger or mistake that causes everything else to tumble over. Erwin Riedenschneider hires three men, specifically with individual capabilities such as an expert opening a safe, a driver, and a hooligan. Erwin had asked Alonzo Emmerich (a rich lawyer) for money to pay the three men for their service, and he agreed. The plan was to rob a store with expensive jewels. As the story moves forward, things start to unravel itself. When the crime is almost done, the explosion used to open the safe seems to have set off the alarm. This causes the police to scatter and search, and in the process Louie, the safecracker, gets hit by a bullet and later dies.

It’s revealed later on, that Alonzo never had the money in the first place, in fact that he owes money. So he ends up planning a double cross which involves leaving the stolen jewels with Alonzo, but Erwin and the hooligan, Dix, oversee the double cross, and while Dix shoots the detective working alongside Alonzo, he himself gets wounded. At the end, Gus, the driver gets arrested, Alonzo kills himself when the police visit him at home, and Louie dies. Erwin eventually gets caught by the police, and Dix reaches his homeland, where he collapses and I assume he dies.

A miscalculation the explosion caused the alarm to set off, and from there after, it was a chain of events that happened. If the plan had went well, I’m sure they would’ve gotten away with it, but then again, there was still the double cross.

Out of the Past

Here we find a case where the protagonist of the story cannot seem to run away from his past, thus the movie title “Out of the Past”. Jeff Bailey (really Jeff Markham), is a man who after trying to escape from his past, ends up confronting it until his last breathe. After being found by his original boss Whit, Whit tells Jeff that he must do one more job, in addition to his dark past. His job is to find a woman named Kathie Moffat (Whit’s ex-girlfriend), and bring her back to Whit. She also had a dark past where she shot Whit and stole $40,000 from him and ran away. As Jeff meets Kathie, Jeff falls for Kathie and soon enough, they run away together getting into more shenanagans. It got to the point where Jeff fought his own partner protecting their secret relationship, and Kathie ends up shooting his partner. Kathie runs away while Jeff cleans up the murder he is not responsible for, and finds a deposit check of $40,000.

At another point, Whit has another job where once again, Jeff meets Kathie where she tries to make him fall in love again, but if fails. This new job in the end causes another person to die, which is the person who was framing Whit of tax fraud, as well as framing Jeff as the killer. Finally towards the end, Kathie kills Whit, and Jeff tries to run away and continue his life with his current girlfriend Ann. However, Kathie stops him and gives him two life decisions, he can either leave and will be framed for the deaths, or he can runaway with her. Choosing to leave with Kathie, he informs the police of her on a secret phone call and the police stop them later on when they leave. Kathie in anger, kills Jeff as the police begin shooting the car.

This is a story where there wasn’t really a true “hero” of the story because every main character had a dark past. What makes this noir different from the others is the fact that Jeff tried to make the best decisions rather than the right ones to get out of a situation. At the end, the best decision Jeff could make at the time is to completely stop Kathie by calling the police even though he was killed. In a way, knowing that Kathie will continue to pursue him, he instead sacrificed himself to end the double faced, Kathie.