The Set-Up

This film was a bit strange in the beginning and understandable towards the end. The reason I say this is because you don’t really see anything noir about the film until the very end. Stoker Thompson, the protagonist of the film, is a boxer who is known for losing his matches. This gave his manager the idea to bet on him losing. Little Boy, a gangster, was also offering for Stoker to take a dive, so his plan worked out great, except for that fact that the manager never told Stoker.

As the match goes on, Stoker seems to start losing against his opponent, but ends up grabbing on to the courage to win the fight. Not only that, but his manager became scared that he ends up telling Stoker about the deal, but Stoker refuses to fall and ends up winning the fight. Although he wins the fight, he ends up getting beaten up by Little Boy’s associates (including Stoker’s opponent), and has his hand broken. Usually in noir films, it shows you the crime done and the case afterwards, this film to another direction where it slowly progressed into a dark noir film.

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