Films From Literature: Shadow Play

active 2 years, 1 month ago
Films From Literature: Shadow Play
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
Semester / Year
Fall 2013
Course Description

Darkness, shadows, and light as they play across pages and screens.


This course was created by: Prof. Gold

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Course Archive

This site contains student blog posts and teaching materials related to ENG 2400 -- Films From […] See MoreCourse Archive


who's staying in city tech next semester you could email me if you want even though i only talked […] See MoreSTUDENTS

Blade Runner

This film shows highly developed technology to make human cloning itself possible. This copy looks […] See MoreBlade Runner

Recent Comments

Comment on "Double Indemnity – Femme Fatale"

[…] Double Indemnity – Femme Fatale | Films From Literature: Shadow Play. h […] See MoreComment on "Double Indemnity – Femme Fatale"

Comment on "β€œIn This Paper I Will …”"

In all honesty, I don't like "In this paper, I will argue that. . .," either. But I'm requiring it […] See MoreComment on "β€œIn This Paper I Will …”"

Comment on "Asphalt Jungle"

Interesting post, Christian. Can you say a bit more about how the scenery is a character in the […] See MoreComment on "Asphalt Jungle"

Recent Discussions

Readings for tomorrow

Hi All -- With apologies for the late notice, here are two very short readings for tomorrow. Please try to get to them if you can. Film Noir: The Trouble With Genre Emily […] See MoreReadings for tomorrow

Welcome to the Course

I'm just demoing a course group See MoreWelcome to the Course

Recent Docs

Shadow Play: Double Indemnity

During our last class we viewed the film Double Indemnity, based on the book of the same name. Though there are several differences between the book and the film, the key characters are basically the same. We have two character types that appear in See MoreShadow Play: Double Indemnity