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Mid-term Project


The Ground plan and section view are essential when describing the physical elements of any show. They show actual size, shape and position of scenery, lights, speakers, projectors and any other equipment the show requires in relation to each other. They are important planning tools to make sure everything will fit in the theater as designed. Task to create an accurate ground plan and section of the venue.

Given Plates 1 and 2 using my scale I measured everything in the ground plan. Once I started drafting I started with one corner and working my way around. What I should’ve done is start in the center with the dimensions given and from the center line. I could’ve avoided many mistakes that I later caught causing me to have to start all over. I could’ve used better command keys to get more of the plan covered instead of drawing one line at a time. And from the beginning setting up my layers. I went back many times switching each line and sometimes missing some. I did not use the miter line to get the section view, I started to then got confused and went with just measuring the plate with my ruler. In that you can probably end up with the ground plan and section not matching up. The chairs gave me some difficulty because I wasn’t familiar with the arc command and took up a lot of time.

I should’ve time my work better doing a little every night. I tried to do quite a lot in one go and would get tired or need a break resulting in making mistakes I probably wouldn’t catch. While drafting I kept having to go back and more missing dimensions that I needed to help draft. At one point I couldn’t figure out what dimension was wrong. Everything seemed to be right. The line weight on the paper also affected the dimension I wrote down then plotted.

Knowing a lot more keys I know now in the future I can get tasks done more efficiently. There wasn’t many errors with line weight.

#9 – Scenery Ground Plan and Section

Homework 9 SG-Layout1

This assignment was about working with designer drawings to produce useful technical information. Sometimes the ground plan and section might not match. This is to ensure things are accurate and then be able to show the designer what can fit and the correct measurements.

I was able to XREF the pdf of the designers ground plan and scale it onto the ground plan I drafted of the theater. Scaling it from the proscenium opening. Then tracing everything onto my ground plan. I had to know what each symbol and what is what. Also what information is missing that should be included.

What I had problems with was first figuring what layer everything should be on and that corresponds to the right line type. Then making the mistake of creating objects in non printable layers. Then once plating it all my line types were wrong. I created a new layer for the dashed line and correct scale but it wouldn’t show in paper space. Also missed including important dimensions that was given with the other drawings from the designer.

Theatrical Drafting – #8 Deck Layout

HW-8 SG-Layout3

I needed to understand how to layout a deck and the details for a technical director to analyze design drawings. A technical director will receive designer drawings that show the final look of the show. For this assignment I needed to layout platforms for the deck shown and how I divided the deck and provide construction drawings for each platform.

To start with this project brought together everything we learned so far in the semester. Xrefing the the ground plan then with the dimensions given figure where the deck is. Next creating platforms. I started with trying to fill up the deck with as many stock platform I can and in the middle of the stage. After a few tries moving platforms around, i was able to use 7 stock platforms and 4 customs ones

When I started to plate the platforms on the ground plan I thought it was fairly easy. I would then start copying it and adding everything else in another spot in model space which I learned adds more work for me and easy to miss anything lines or dimensions if I ever made any changes to the platforms. I would also copy objects all over my drawing instead of using layers to make things visible or not.

Things would in layer that weren’t printable that I didn’t catch in the beginning and wonder why it wouldn’t show up when I printed it. And to place it all in paper space and not look sloppy I would use the ones i copied in model space laying them out there instead of using multiple view ports. My line weight was all wrong in the second plate with the construction drawings for the platforms.

For future tasks very similar I need to really use and pay attention to the layers. I learned what I do isn’t actually easier and just giving myself more work that by the end it just makes it more for me to miss errors. Also, to plot preview my work before printing.


Theatrical Drafting – #7 Trace an XREF


For this assignment I had to use external references or XREFs to improve drafting efficiency and is essential for managing a large drafting project with multiple drafters. A way to share drawings, reference the specs for your theater or a scanned image of a designer’s drawing.

I learned how to XREF an image and then using different tracing commands like spline, pline, and line to draw the outline. This task was fairly easy and I was able to accomplish it. Tracing the outline of a city sky line so then a carpenter can trace and cut it out. As well as knowing the path type chosen when xrefing. The image was easy to scale and then using the commands I got the task done quickly, which is not common for me. Skills to practice was accuracy and customization and knowing the structure of drawings. Sharing drawings with everyone in the theater maintains accuracy.

Theatrical Drafting – #2 Orthographic Projections

ENT-V119-007-Homework2 SG-Layout1

For this assignment I had to draft an actual object. Learning how to represent physical objects I see in two dimensions. I had to plate all 6 orthographic views of my block. All views should be in full scale and dimension and label appropriately.

Learning to how use the layers and move around and what layer is used for what. To create each view I first used the scale ruler to get the dimensions on the face then started to draft it. Then using creating construction lines to get the other sides and using the scale ruler for the other dimensions as well.

I learned how to use the miter line which I was unfamiliar with, I think with more complex drawings and drafting theaters using this method still brings confusion. But I definitely understand how it can give use the exact measurements to match the other views of the object. Plating it was an issue. I learned more commands and what means what. Using polar tracking, and object snaps to help lay everything.

Drafting is to use show and describe three dimensional objects in 2D. So the measurements have to be accurate and provide all the information needed to construct the needed object. To use the object as a problem solving opportunity to resolve any questions.

Theatrical Drafting – #3 Section

Homework3 SG-Layout1

This task was about creating a section view to show the insides of objects that may be unclear from the standard orthographic views. Creating sections views is an important way to understand the drawing and to know when and how to use them.

The difficulty I had was laying everything in paper space. When I first completed the assignment I had viewports showing, line weight errors, some dimensions were done in model space and some paper space. Construction lines were visible and the views weren’t aligned. Knowing what should be shown in the section with the hatching was unclear to me.

New key I learned was the hatch command. I got more practice in my skills for the plate layout, errors I did was mainly where to place everything. When I printed out my final plate of drafting my title block was not at the bottom right.

In real world situations especially for construction purposes. cross sections and following the way to communicate the object and provide the reader more information and layers. It’s an interior cutting and eliminates hidden lines. The cutting plane line is a thick line with arrows in the direction indicating the perspective the section view is. There’s more to creating sections and knowing the proper line weight and type of line to use when creating them.

Theatrical Drafting – #5 Pictorial Views

ENT-V119-007-Homework 5 SG

With the physical block given, drawing it on auto cad using a pictorial view to get a better understanding of the object. Including an isometric, oblique and cabinet view helps other read and interrupt the drawing more easier.

Using the isometric key which I got to learn when i first started learning how to use auto cad and then with this assignment actually put it to use to draw the physical object given. Isometric views shows multiple faces at the same time, all inclined. Vertical lines are true to size and can  be measured as well as lines in 30°. Oblique views the front face is parallel to page and side view view inclined at 45° . In cabinet view measurements are in half.

When drawing on auto cad I change the o snap settings on the bottom right to 45°. and Switch the iso planes with the F5 key or control E.

When I first started this problem I had difficulty with drawing the object, it was looking a little off. And figuring out where to start and then moving to another corner or switching between keys. I had to draw it over a few times or figure what line was wrong, either how i drew it on autocad or with the measurements I had taken. After I was able to overcome my problem. A new key I learned was adding the dimensions and moving it around in paper space. Putting anything in paper space was a problem with me. My layout will be sloppy and dimensions will overlap the drawing. My title block was also not complete. The scale information was also wrong. I know for the future and with any other problem related you need to make the information you’re trying to show readable for someone.