Theatrical Drafting – #7 Trace an XREF


For this assignment I had to use external references or XREFs to improve drafting efficiency and is essential for managing a large drafting project with multiple drafters. A way to share drawings, reference the specs for your theater or a scanned image of a designer’s drawing.

I learned how to XREF an image and then using different tracing commands like spline, pline, and line to draw the outline. This task was fairly easy and I was able to accomplish it. Tracing the outline of a city sky line so then a carpenter can trace and cut it out. As well as knowing the path type chosen when xrefing. The image was easy to scale and then using the commands I got the task done quickly, which is not common for me. Skills to practice was accuracy and customization and knowing the structure of drawings. Sharing drawings with everyone in the theater maintains accuracy.