This task was about creating a section view to show the insides of objects that may be unclear from the standard orthographic views. Creating sections views is an important way to understand the drawing and to know when and how to use them.
The difficulty I had was laying everything in paper space. When I first completed the assignment I had viewports showing, line weight errors, some dimensions were done in model space and some paper space. Construction lines were visible and the views weren’t aligned. Knowing what should be shown in the section with the hatching was unclear to me.
New key I learned was the hatch command. I got more practice in my skills for the plate layout, errors I did was mainly where to place everything. When I printed out my final plate of drafting my title block was not at the bottom right.
In real world situations especially for construction purposes. cross sections and following the way to communicate the object and provide the reader more information and layers. It’s an interior cutting and eliminates hidden lines. The cutting plane line is a thick line with arrows in the direction indicating the perspective the section view is. There’s more to creating sections and knowing the proper line weight and type of line to use when creating them.