Assignment 2: My Local Environment (sorry for the bad pictures)

Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.21 #3 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.21 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.22 #2 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.22 #3 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.22 #4 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.22 #5 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.22 #6 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.22 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.23 #2 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.23 #3 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.23 #4 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.23 #5 Photo on 2013-10-29 at 18.23 #6

i had to take pictures on my laptop from my phone because it wasnt letting me upload them on my laptop!! sorry for the bad quality..i tried :(

i had to take pictures on my laptop from my phone because it wasnt letting me upload them on my laptop!! sorry for the bad quality..i tried 🙁

I chose to take pictures from around my neighborhood. I live in the bronx. Theres a lot of garbage cans around my block and there was a stack of garbage outside but im pretty sure the super did that because the garbage is being picked up tomorrow. the garbage cans seem to be full because theres a lot of food places around my area – i have pictures that show burgerking, popeyes, wendys and sam’s deli. Although there was a lot of garbage, i did not see any rodents what so ever. but, in the night time around the garbage pile you can hear rats walking around and i believe its because of the smell of food in the garbage. it does not concern me as much though because the rats are only around when the garbage is outside at night, which of course the garbage collectors come and get in the morning. i can’t really compare this to the first article we read because there was never any concern or rat issue in my neighborhood.

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2 Responses to Assignment 2: My Local Environment (sorry for the bad pictures)

  1. Prof. Seto says:

    Thanks Nelsy. I like your workaround for the picture upload. You don’t seem worried about the Rats. But you also stated that the trash is picked up in the morning. Is this always the case? Are the trash cans always emptied in the morning? The interesting thing to point out is that rats feed at night. So if the trash was emptied before dark, do you think there would be less rodent activity? It’s nice that you do notice the rustling in the trash. Many new Yorkers have come so accustomed to this that they simply ignore it or don’t notice it at all. Do you ever worry that they can enter the building you live in? Did you know that most Rat bites reported in NYC are on small children? They tend to be bitten on the face while sleeping because Rats smell the food around their mouths. How does that make you feel? And as you can see, the trash is overflowing. Do a follow-up to see if the trash is actually emptied every day. This might surprise you.

  2. irram iqbal says:

    I live in Brooklyn, but my neighborhood is filled with White and Asian people. My block is pretty clean but if you walk a block down there are many fish markets and grocery stores. Theres also a subways station and a bus stop but even with all this stuff around there aren’t any rodents and its a pretty clean area. People liter but not so much and in front of the stores and supermarkets the workers broom and wash away the mess. I never seen rodents around my area because everyone around keep there part of the block clean. (sorry Professor I’m not sure how to upload the pictures I took but I will definitly do it soon).

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