Monday, November 11 to Sunday, November 17


19. Inverse trigonometric functions

 20. Solving trigonometric equations


  • Trigonometry – Inverse Functions
  • Trigonometry – Equations


  • If you haven’t already, you can still work through this activity on the sine and cosine functions for an extra participation point. If you sign in using your free Desmos account, you should be able to save your work and return to it. Otherwise, you will have to complete the activity in one session.
  • Work through this activity on compound interest for an extra participation point.
  • If you would like to estimate grades for upcoming assignments and see how your current grades would translate into an overall course grade, you can play with the spreadsheet here Start a new row and enter your grades on the left (unshaded) side; don’t touch the right (shaded) side where the overall grades appear.