Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry 2  DANIEL TEKOH

The Corona virus looks like third world war and the battlefield is the hospitals and the streets. Just like the first and second world wars, there where survivors, thus we will all survive as students of ENG 1121. Wars do not necessarily mean firearm, planes, tankers because the Cold war with America and Russia ended with no firearm, so the Corona virus war is real and we must all come together to fight it as team ENG 1121.


I have been seating home and thinking about how long I will continue to look at the walls of my apartment and thinking about inspiring to write something for my end of term portfolio. The walls do not speak and I keep trying to figure it out by thinking outside the apartment from different angles. Some times from the kitchen, the living room chairs, the bedroom, and even the bathroom as a location to write.


I love face to face class but this might force me to learn how to use an online class which I feel excited about by staying positive. I wish you all can feel the same way I am doing by staying calm, wash my hands, wear the mask, drink a lot of water, even sleep more.



Daniel TEKOH


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    As always, beautiful words, Daniel, and so inspiring. I think I speak for all of us when I say that it feels like we can hear you talking when we read. I am hoping that you will allow your imagination free reign and that you will not stop yourself from expressing how you feel. I think you can inspire many more people than just us.
    I liked your description of using many different rooms in your home. Each one is so different, isn’t it? Even a small space has many moods, and by shifting from one to another I feel you are granting yourself permission to write in different ways.

    Be safe and strong and supple,
    -Prof. S.

  2. Brianna Edwards

    I really like the metaphors and the comparison to wars. I also feel like its a war out there of food and supplies. Stores like Target are constantly full of people like Black Friday. I hope you find more stuff to do! Maybe you should try some good ol’ board games.


      Bianna, I think it’s a good idea to add some new things to my life in the apartment like games. Instead, I have realized watching many youtube videos and listening to music was most of my daily activities. I was used to the living from school directly to work, then home to do assignments but things have changed due to the Coronavirus third world war. I think I should add video games and since I love driving, then I will download Need For Speed game to add to my day.

      thanks for your suggestion.

  3. Antonio

    I can agree with you with having trouble being able to concentrate or actually have ideas on what to write about. Especially just looking at my same white walls and thinking maybe I should add some color to them and make them look better jaja. But maybe reading a book might help you? as reading has help me to know what to write or at least get started somewhere. Stay safe.

  4. Daniel Szocs

    The metaphors you used are very touching, since people are forced to stay indoors. To some it may be a good thing, however for others it is not and many think of this outbreak to be a war on the people. Your words were touching and give hope to those who have no hope or who are slowly losing it because of the amount of time that we are stuck in a pause in life.

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